San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Espacios Urbanos. Calles -

It receives its name from the Augustinian convent, but has had others. It was the street that goes to the lagoon, Sancto Espiritus street in the first years of the 16th century and later, such as La Carrera, Herradores and del Agua, Calle Real . Paved in 1542, it was also called merchants and, occasionally , Calle de los Escaos or Ascanio. Since the seventeenth century it maintains its current name. The Provincial Council dedicated the convent in 1822, following the exclaustration, so that the University of San Fernando was installed first and the Institute of Second Teaching of the Canary Islands later.

The street of San Agustin was seat of merchants of agricultural products, the granaries of whose houses characterize their appearance. Although there were more capacity in other parts of the city, the concentration of bulk in the houses of this artery is significant of the origin of the rents of their owners. In the traditional city, the granary houses were a consequence of the prohibition of the Cabildo to build in the arable and pasture lands. For this reason, the barn is incorporated into all types of houses, either as a piece in the original building, or as a floor that has been subsequently recreated. Sometimes these barns are shown on the facade to the street and, at other times, to the rear facades.

The tall houses or leftover houses and the gun houses have a wide representation in the street of San Agustin. They are houses of land owners who can exercise another activity. They are found in all the streets of the city center, unlike the terraced houses, which are located in the margins of the historic center or in the cross streets of the main streets. In the initial stages of the formation of the plan were the room of artisans, craftsmen and small owners of land and livestock. High house is also the coemercial house that also provides a mezzanine intended for trade or the exercise of certain activities such as a clerk or surgeon. In some cases they may have three floors, the second one being dedicated to offices or warehouses.

Of the conquerors and nobles are the armeras houses, built on large plots and frequently cion facades to two streets, emblazoned that of the main va. The activity of its inhabitants, large landowners, obtained through data from the Adelantado, their participation in public life and their relationship with trade resulted in transformations of the original plants and elevations of these houses to adapt them to such functions, incorporating, for example, the barn.

Over time, the street of San Agust n, while the old economic regime weakens, replaces its commercial function with that of an administrative nature, and maintains the residential one. Most of the changes that take place in the nineteenth century, especially since 1880, are in the facades, without changing the internal distribution of houses.

In the opinion of Ram n P rez Gonz lez in his description of this street in the UNED TENERIFE book, the longitudinal profile of the street has remained unchanged, which cannot be said of the plots; the shape and size of the current lots, especially the measurements of their fronts, suggest in some cases parcel reorganization by segregation. Extreme, despite difficult documentary verification.

Currently the street is included within the triangle inserted under the UNESCO declaration of World Heritage and subject to the Special Protection Plan of the Historic Center of La Laguna.

The unique buildings on this street can be informed by activating the "Related Assets" tab.

Calle San Agustin

UNED TENERIFE . Associated Center of the UNED in Tenerife. San Crist bal de La Laguna 2001. Text by Ram n P rez Gonz lez.

GARCIA, Carlos : The Old Streets of La Laguna. Its nomenclature from the 16th century until our d. Center of Canarian Popular Culture. 1994

GERM N DE ARMAS, Adri n : La Laguna. Traditional housing and the problems of urban space organization. La Laguna, 1975.

ALEM N, Gilberto : The alley n. Critical lagoons. Cabildo de Tenerife, 1985.

CIORANESCU, Alejandro: La Laguna. Gu a historical and monumental. La Laguna, 1965.

MORENO FUENTES, Francisca: Tazm a of the island of Tenerife in 1552. Yearbook of Athletic Studies. Num. 25. Madrid. Las Palmas, 1979.

RODR GUEZ MOURE, Jos : Gu la historica de La Laguna. Institute of Canary Studies. La Laguna, 1935.

Calle San Agustin

MUNICIPALITY San Crist bal de La Laguna

ZONE District1- Historic Center

ADDRESS San Agust Street n

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