San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Espacios Urbanos. Calles -

It is one of the first and most important way in the history of the city.

This street initially led from the Plaza de Abajo (today Plaza del Adelantado) to the Plaza de Arriba where the church of La Concepcion is located, which was also known as the church of Santa Mar a de la Antigua in order not to confuse it with the church of Los Remedios (Cathedral), which was built by mandate of the Adelantado.

Carlos Garc a in his book "The old streets of La Laguna" explains that in its origin the street was known as "street that goes to Santa Mar a" as reflected in writings only 17 years after the conquest.

This route was used to make horse races and "run rings" on the holidays, so it was dirt and was not paved until the eighteenth century. This is why the lagoons have continued to recognize it as "Calle de La Carrera".

Currently its official name is that of Calle Obispo Rey Redondo, maintaining a visual relationship with the landscape at the ends of it.

Calle Obispo Rey Redondo

GARCIA, Carlos : The Old Streets of La Laguna. Its nomenclature from the 16th century until our d. Center of Canarian Popular Culture. 1994

GERM N DE ARMAS, Adri n: La Laguna. Traditional housing and the problems of urban space organization. La Laguna, 1975.

ALEM N, Gilberto : The alley n. Critical lagoons. Cabildo de Tenerife, 1985.

CIORANESCU, Alejandro : La Laguna. Gu a historical and monumental. La Laguna, 1965.

MORENO FUENTES, Francisca : Tazm a of the island of Tenerife in 1552. Yearbook of Athletic Studies. Num. 25. Madrid. Las Palmas, 1979.

RODR GUEZ MOURE, Jos : Gu la historica de La Laguna. Institute of Canary Studies. La Laguna, 1935.

Calle Obispo Rey Redondo

MUNICIPALITY San Crist bal de La Laguna

ZONE District1- Historic Center

ADDRESS Calle Obispo Rey Redondo

Descripción Documento Descargar Documento
Plano de La Laguna 1590
Plano de La Laguna 1779
Plano de La laguna 1814
Plano de La Laguna 1889
Plano de La Laguna 1899
Plano de La Laguna 1943
Plano de La Laguna 1960