- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. Anterior al S.XX -

Under the architectural principles of eclecticism, this property for commercial activities was built in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

See: DARIAS PR NCIPE, Alberto: Architecture and architects in the Western Canary Islands 1874-1931, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1985, p gs. 187-204.

Calle Castillo, 65 San Lucas, 3

Simic facades. Equal vertical rectangular vanes: on Castillo Street, there are three openings per floor and on San Lucas, four, arranged regularly and aligned according to vertical axes, with perimeter molding. Wrought iron balconies carved on the first level. Decorations on the basement façade that simulate stone. Straight cornice top with upper balustrade. Recessed roof construction, with light roof. Elements of Interest: Original wooden carpenter. Iron railings on balconies. Remarcos of openings. Moldings and balustrades, crowning.

Calle Castillo, 65 San Lucas, 3

MUNICIPALITY Santa Cruz de Tenerife
AREA Centro-Ifara District
ADDRESS Calle Castillo, 65; Saint Luke, 3.

Calle Castillo, 65 San Lucas, 3

Degree of Protection: Partial File No. 224.

Catalog of Protection of Architectural and Urban Heritage. PGO Santa Cruz de Tenerife. 2014 Partial Definitive Approval.

Calle Castillo, 65 San Lucas, 3

- DARIAS PR NCIPE, Alberto: Architecture and architects in the Canary Islands

Occidental 1874-1931, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1985, p gs. 187-204.

- File of the Cat Logo of Architectural and Urban Heritage of the PGO Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 2013. Vol.3. Volume 3.2.1.

Editorial and research team : Architecture Unit of the CICOP Foundation.

Miguel ngel Fern ndez Matr n.

Gislaine Hasse

Jos Luis D will read Mart nez.

Sendy Hern ndez lvarez.

Photograph: Jos M. Bossini Ruiz.

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