Villa de Arafo
- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. Arquitectura Doméstica Hacienda -

In the 16th century, the main families of landowners were already settled in the territory of Arafo, as is the case of the N ez family. Being the main exponent of this family Juan N ez, who at the end of the conquest of this island, requests in advance a date of land with water from the spring, increased on November 20, 1517 by a new cast. A few years later, her cousin Catalina N ez married Trist n B ez, a native of the term Ampurias (Gerona) with whom she had a total of eight children, forming one of the most powerful marriages in the valley.

The N ez family, which owns a large amount of land, probably erected this building as part of a large farm complex. In this house the Nu ez were able to house Priests and occasionally the Bishops, who in pastoral visits tour the regions of the island. There are several sources that link this building as accommodation for Bishop Juan Manuel Dila, in 1739, as well as for the Prelate Davira, who created the parish of Arafo in 1795, designating Don Antonio Jos Pedro as parish priest Rodr Guez de Torres, born in G Mar on February 4, 1769 and died in Arafo on December 29, 1855, who was known as 'el Cura Viejo ' who lends his nickname to this house in which I live .

The building became part of the heritage of Don Germ n Fari a and Carmen Batista. Passing in the first quarter of the twentieth century to Don Manuel Herrera Hern ndez, counselor of the island council for the liberal party in 1916 and fame ...

Casa del Cura Viejo

Building complex originally set up in front of a main courtyard that gives access to the complex and serves as a prelude and separator of the functions of room and agricultural production.
The main building of the complex, located to the east, maintains a rectangular floor plan with two heights and a traditional wooden and row wooden roof with four-sided curved tile covering. Attached to it and in a transversal way in east-west orientation, another creak of a plant was built and covered with gable. In front of this, and configuring the patio, a wall divides this of the rooms destined properly to the agricultural work, with a traditional winery of beam, and stays destined to storage and lodging of the beasts. All resolved with sloping roof of wooden structure and curved tile covering.

Casa del Cura Viejo

AREA Historic Center
ADDRESS Calle Andr s Orozco Batista n 20
X 360.505.05
And 3,135,929.50

Casa del Cura Viejo

VV AA : Heritage of the historic center of the town of Araf o, Final Master's Project in the rehabilitation of built heritage, CICOP, 2004.

HE Arafo City Hall . ' Arafo Gu a Turica '. Illustrious City of Arafo March 2001

Victor Servilio P rez . 'Afo. Retarzo History, profiles and profiles (Selection of works published in the press) '. Graficas Tenerife SA 1986

Fari a Pestano, F .: The History of Arafo, City Hall of Arafo. 2004

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Casa del Cura Viejo Casa de los Nuñez - Cat:Arquitectura Doméstica Rural