Villa de Arafo
- Espacios Urbanos. Calles -

The street of Mario Marreo Fari that was configured on the historic aboriginal transhumant path that joins the summit and the coast of the G Mar Valley. This is related to the old Calvary located at the base of the centennial pine and today houses the Chapel of the Lord of the Pine, erected in the nineteenth century, with the Plaza de San Juan Degollado.

The pine that is at the beginning of the street gave its name, until the end of the last century, to the main access street to the town center, which was known as 'Calle del Pino ' until in 1897 it was given the Name of 'Calle Conde de Belascoa n ', dedicated to Don Juan Garc a del Castillo 'III Conde de Belascoa n ', a native of this town, for his efforts in favor of the link road of this town with the general from the South, at the height of La Hidalga. Since 1995, it receives the name of 'Calle Mario Marrero Fari to ', in honor of the prestigious musician who directed the Music Band 'Nivaria ' for 47 years.

On the street there is La Capilla del Pino and the Auditorium.

Calle Mario Marrero Fariña

The street of Mario Marreo Fari that was configured on the historic aboriginal transhumant path that joins the summit and the coast of the G Mar Valley. This is related to the old Calvary located at the base of the centennial pine and today houses the Chapel of the Lord of the Pine, erected in the nineteenth century, with the Plaza de San Juan Degollado.

Calle Mario Marrero Fariña


AREA: The street of Mario Marreo Fari a.


X: 361,131.37

Y: 3,135,746.30

Calle Mario Marrero Fariña

-Fari to Pestano, F and Gigante Carballo, F (2006). Notes on the Evolution of the Urban Landscape of Arafo. Program of the Patron Festivities of the Villa de Arafo.

-VV AA (1996). Resource Guide of the Southeast of Tenerife. Southeast Cultural Association of Tenerife. Santa Cruz of Tenerife.

-Fari to Pestano, F .: A journey through the architectural and ethnographic architectural heritage of Arafo: its assets of cultural interest and other proposals for opening.

-Fari to Pestano, F .: The History of Arafo, City Hall of Arafo. 2004

-VV AA: Heritage of the historic center of the town of Arafo, Final Master's Project in the rehabilitation of built heritage, CICOP, 2004.

-Excmo. Arafo City Hall. u201 Guide to Tourism '. Illustrious City of Arafo March 2001

-Landscapes and landscaping, Regional guides of Tenerife. 'D Discover the Southwest '. Tenydea, SL October 2005.

-Excmo. Arafo City Hall.

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