Santa Cruz de Tenerife
- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. S.XX y Posterior -

Throughout the nineteenth century, it was developed to a type of construction that housed the less wealthy classes. The poorest sectors of the city built their houses or the so-called shacks, with poorly resistant materials and lack of sanitary controls. It was not until after a tragic episode that it occurred during heavy rains in 1853, near Castillo Street and Weyler Square, called the Dressmaker's houses, when the City Council began to take letters in the case.

This group of small unhealthy homes, born of necessity, lack of resources and that do not meet the minimum habitability conditions, is what we know as citadels. The citadel is a rectangular single-story building, being internally divided by a passage on its more longitudinal side that gave access to the different rooms or small rooms, which could be arranged in both four and two of its sides. They were occupied by several families, and the common areas were arranged in the central courtyard where the services, kitchen, laundry, etc. were installed.

In 1903, the Health Commission declared that the citadels were a source of contagion for the epidemics that are still plaguing the capital of Santa Cruz, so it was prepared for dismantling as residential buildings.

This citadel located in a passage perpendicular to Santiago Street, is, together with those of the street Mr. of the Tribulations like Ravina or Pisaca, one of the few that remain in the emblem t ...

Ciudadela Pasaje Santiago, 93

The citadel is a collective housing developed on one floor, consisting of several units arranged on both sides of the passage. The units are distinguished by the use of color, flat facades with a door and a window and a skylight above. They are made up in pairs and symbolics. The roof is sloped of tile.

The citadel of the Santiago Passage, 93, is made up of 19 rooms or rooms arranged along a corridor of small dimensions and which is accessed from Santiago Street by means of a small staircase with four steps, flanked by walls. of mamposter a.

The small rooms are structured rectangular and with gable roofs. In each of its small facades there are one or two openings, corresponding with a door and in some cases, a window. The two houses that border the main street have two more windows made with a semicircular arch.

In the eaves of the covers a cornice is located that continues in the gable of the lateral facade.

This group of houses have been partially restored, with the painting of facades and conditioning of the carpenters.

Ciudadela Pasaje Santiago, 93

Degree of Protection: Partial Sheet n 25.
Protection logo n. PGO Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Partial Definitive Approval
Property included in the BIC Conjunto Hist rico El Toscal

Ciudadela Pasaje Santiago, 93

MUNICIPALITY Santa Cruz de Tenerife
AREA Centro-Ifara District (El Toscal)
ADDRESS N Santiago Street, 93

- General Plan of Management of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Vol. 3 Volume 3.2.1-3, file n. 25.

- DARIAS PR NCIPE, A. (2004). u2018Santa Cruz de Tenerife. City, Architecture and Historical Memory 1500-1981 u2019, volume I. Edits City Council of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Editorial and research team: Architecture Unit of the CICOP Foundation.

Miguel ngel Fern ndez Matr n.

Jos Luis D will read Mart nez.

Armiche lvarez P rez.

Sendy Hern ndez lvarez.

Photograph: Haridian Itaisa Quintana Gonz lez

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Ficha Informativa ICON (Centro de Conservación y Restauración del Patrimonio, Fundación CICOP).

Ciudadela Pasaje Santiago, 93 Barrio de El Toscal - Cat:General