Santa Cruz de Tenerife
- Espacios Urbanos. Calles -

In 1872, according to Alejandro Cioranescu, in his work 'istory of Santa Cruz ' the City Council of Santa Cruz de Tenerife tried a plenary agreement, where the official name of this street, Numancia street was agreed; which was subsequently approved in 1893.

In the first years of the twentieth century, the first tar tests took place, they saw that the use of this material was better for them since it was cheaper than the paving of them. Therefore, this was one of the first times to enjoy these new pavements, thanks to the Construction Society that intervened in the urbanization and layout of it.

In 1888, this entity bought a large estate owned by the owner Eladio Roca, which included the current Rambla, Robayna and Mendez N ez, all around Numancia street. The main intention of this entity was to build a residential neighborhood, which will be referred to later as the Barrio de los Hoteles.

As significant data of Numancia Street, it can be said that in 1873, the Mutual Relief Association had a project to build a public school on number 2 of the street, which was not materialized until several years ago. after you In addition, in 1931 the Numancia Cinema was inaugurated, which was located in one of the buildings on Numancia Street. A few years later, to move to the mode of 'ine de Arte y Ensayo ' this cinema was rebuilt and closed in 1983. Today only the building in s is conserved.

Calle Numancia

Numancia Street borders the southwest edge of Garc Park in Sanabria. It starts at Enrique Wolfson Street and ends at the Ireneo Gonz lez Square having this about 550 meters in length.

In its environment, we can highlight one of the oldest trees in Garc Park in Sanabria; a Tamarind that was in the expropriated lands for the construction of the park.


Numancia Street has a medium level of deterioration, because the road signs are worn, such as pedestrian crossings or traffic lines.

Calle Numancia

- EL D A. Numancia Street in the Hotels neighborhood. [Online]. May 2002. [Date of consultation: April 11, 2016]. Available at:

- The History of the cinemas of Santa Cruz: The cinematographic exhibition in Santa Cruz De Tenerife. Canarian Topics Blog. [Online] August 2011. [Date of consultation: April 12, 2016]. Available at:

Editorial and research team: Architecture Unit of the CICOP Foundation.
Miguel ngel Fern ndez Matr n.

Jos Luis D will read Mart nez.

Armiche lvarez P rez.

Sendy Hern ndez lvarez.

Virginia Ben complexion Mart n.

Beatriz Gonz lez Reyes.

Rub n Murillo Jim nez.

Raquel Padr n Monz n.

Photograph: Jos M. Bossini Ruiz.

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