Santa Cruz de Tenerife
- Espacios Urbanos. Lugares -

The last great ornamental work of Ant Guo Rimen is the Alameda known by the name of Marqu s de Branciforte, the General Commander, in whose short time its design took place. It was paid for by its neighbors and responds to the mentality prevailing in the illustration, favorable to the realization of landscaped public walks, a space that as such was hitherto unknown in Santa Cruz outside the private gardens of its lite. Erected in 1787, to form a right angle with the pier, its dimensions were reduced, just 79 meters long. It was planted with two rows of lamos that gave it its name, to be replaced in 1830 by L bano bananas and tamarinds. Its missing facade, portrayed in so many engravings, was a portal of three arches with a coat of arms, two inscriptions on marble floors and two rich Genoese statues of Summer and Spring.

The façade was completed with the shield of Royal Arms of Spain and with two orders that expressed: It has been paid for by the generosity of the distinguished people of this neighborhood, moved by good taste and desires to gather their society in such own recreation and stimulated of the efficiency with which the aforementioned General Commander is dedicated and contributes to the beauty, advancement and improvement of the Plaza and population.

Already in the 21st century the remodeling of the Plaza de Espa on this cover was rebuilt based on its original background giving rise to the current one.

Alameda de la Marina

- GALANTE GÓMEZ, M. (1984). Canarian Architecture (From the second half of the 18th century to the end of the 19th century) Ed. Edirca, Prisma Canario.

Writing and research team: Architecture Unit of the CICOP Foundation.
Miguel Angel Fernandez Matran.
Jose Luis Dolera Martinez.
Armiche Alvarez Perez.
Sendy Hernandez Alvarez.

Photography: José Mª. Bossini Ruiz.

Alameda de la Marina
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