San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Bienes Muebles. Pintura -

I read on canvas by an author of the eighteenth century.

Apparently it is an eighteenth-century painting by an author that represents the theme of the Cricifixi n de Jesus Christ at the time when Longinos sticks a spear in his right side.

Both the color and the composition of the scene, as well as many details suggest the quality of the canvas despite the considerable height to which it is exposed in the Hermitage and the passage of time significantly hinder an overview of it .

Heritage Notebooks. The Restoration of Personal Property in La Laguna. Island Council of Tenerife, Ex. City Hall of San Crist bal de La Laguna. 1995

The composition is very similar to that of a German engraving which is not ectra or given the great commerce and the exchange of existing engravings until the beginning of the 19th century between the Peninsula, America, the Canary Islands and other countries and cities Europeans like Fl ndes, Hamburg, G nova etc ...

The color is very rich, emphasizing where the art tries to highlight the characters that he considers to be the main ones and at the same time using the technique of the light-dark ones to achieve this purpose.

The funds are very interesting not only in terms of architectural constructions but also in the treatment of clouds and sun (which appear as the scriptures indicate)

As for the movement of the scene, it is shown not only in the foreshortening of Longinos when he throws the spear at Jesus but also in the horses that are anxiously agitated, in the Virgin who advances one of his feet to approach his Son, swirl of clouds, etc.

The following actions were carried out in the restoration carried out in 1995 by the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of La Laguna:

1.-Making a photographic documentation to record the preliminary status of the work.

2.-An ultraviolet visual lysis showing that barely there were repaints and the absence of protective varnish.

3.-Chemical analysis of the pictorial layers, binders and pigments, detecting a very fragile and brittle layer that corresponded to some type of rubber. This was the cause of the stunned strong that the pictorial film presented. It was rubber band as a reaction to alcohol. The preparatory canvas layer was an iron oxide with an oily binder. A phytopathological study indicated that it was strongly attacked by fungi, as reported by the Department of Plant Biology of the Faculty of Biology of the University of La Laguna.

4.- The Japanese pictorial surface of the pictorial surface with rabbit tail was set to protect the pictorial film.

5.-We proceeded to clean the back of the fabric at the tip of a scalpel.

6.- For the sitting of the color a disinfection was carried out and then it was tested with BEVA 371, fixing the color perfectly to the canvas.

7.-A rentelado or training was carried out to reinforce the work. For this, linen canvas with porridge was used, which was reinforced with fungicide to prevent its rot.

8.- The fixed frame was replaced with one for what allowed the retention by ...

Crucifixión (Ermita de Gracia)
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Crucifixión (Ermita de Gracia) Ermita de Nuestra Señora de Gracia - Cat:Ermitas