San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. Anterior al S.XX -

The Borges-Est vanez House was built between 1733 and 1735 by a member of the Meade family, an illustrious lineage of Irish descent, one of whose most prominent members was Jos Murphy and Meade1. This prominent political tinerfe or got the capital of the Archipi lake for Santa Cruz de Tenerife, having to spend long periods in this country residence.

But it will be his nephews, Nicol and Patricio Est vanez Murphy, two of the most outstanding political and cultural personalities in the local and national scene of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, who have a greater relationship with the house. The largest of them u2014Nicol s Est vanez Murphy u2014 was a career soldier, serving in Africa, Puerto Rico and Cuba. Convinced Republican , he became Minister of War for a few months of 1873. With the monastery restoration he went into exile in various parts of Europe and America, to return to Madrid at the end of the 19th century and continue his political career as a republican deputy. He died in Paris in 1914 while serving the French government in the early stages of World War I.

His biography is almost novel and among the darkest events of the same figure his alleged participation in the anarchist attack against Alfonso XII.

Dedicated also to the letters, his poem 'Canarias ' stands out, in which he expresses his concept of homeland, overcoming the island lawsuit and containing the famous references to the ' Shadow of his childhood almond tree '.

Patricio Est vanez was a journalist and writer, as well as a convinced republican who exerted a notable influence on the politics and society of the Canary Islands of his time. He was a tireless defender of Tenerife in the matter of the island lawsuit.

Director of the Illustration of the Canary Islands between 1882 and 1884, he goes on to direct the Diario de Tenerife between 1886 and 1917. Elected advisor of the first Cabildo tinerfe or in 1913, he was a member of the Royal Academy of History and promoter of the Hospital de Ni os proposed by Dr. Guigou. He died in 1926 and always resided in the house of Gracia, with much connection to the nearby hermitage homimo.

Another prominent character linked to the history of the house was Francisco Borges Salas, son-in-law of Patricio, and one of the most prominent contemporary artists of the Lake Archipi. In addition to his profession as a teacher at the School of Arts and Crafts, he was the author of several rich sculpture groups among which the one located in the center of Parque Garc a Sanabria, as well as others executed during his 20-year stay In Venezuela.

But, in addition, the house housed at certain times historical figures of Berthelot6, O u2019Donell7, Blasco Ib ez8 or Coquet9. The house hosted the famous gatherings promoted by both brothers and in which characters such as Valent n Sanz, Agust n Guimer, Ram n Gil-Rold n, Teobaldo Power, Alfonso Dugour and others participated regularly .

In 2007, the Tenerife Island Council acquired the house next to the surrounding land , in order to preserve it, rehabilitate it and transform it into a cultural space.

Casa Borges-Estévanez

Nicol s Est vanez Murphy Service Sheet . General Military Archive of Segovia.

LVAREZ MART N, E. Nicol s Est vanez: his shareholder. Editorial Social Sciences. Havana.

EST VANEZ MURPHY N. My memories. Pr logo by Jos Luis Fern ndez R a.

EST VANEZ MURPHY N. Universal Enlightenment European-American Encyclopedia. Children of 22

GUIMER PERAZA, M. Nicol s Est vanez or the rebellion. Canarian Authors Library. Tenerife Culture Classroom.

CLAR FERN NDEZ, J. M. (2014). 'Nicol s Est vanez: a soldier of pure strain ' in La Prensa del Domingo, number of August 17, 2014, p. 1-2.

ESPA A. Decree 58/2014, of May 29 , declaring Cultural Interest, classified as Historic Site 'La Casa Borges-Est vanez ', located in the municipality of San Crist Bal of La Laguna, Tenerife Island, defining its protection environment. Official Canary Islands Newsletter (BOC), June 10, 2014, n m. 110, p. 15391-15396.

MART N HERN NDEZ, M. L. (2005). 'E The Place of Grace, its hermitage and the Est vanez estate ' in Rincones del Atl ntico, number 2, p. 154-161.

PADR N FERN NDEZ, R. and ACOSTA TEJERA, T. (Directors) (2014). Cat logo exhibition: 'A the shade of the almond tree '. Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Idea editions.

REYES GONZ LEZ, N. (2005). 'Nicol s Est vanez and 'hair of the almond tree ' e ...

1 838-1856: FIRST A OS AND YOUTH

1838: Nicol s Est vanez Murphy was born on February 17 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. He moved and installed in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and spent seasons in the family home of Santa Mar a de Gracia in La Laguna.

1842: His brother Diego Est vanez poet and sailor is born.

1850 : His brother Patricio Est vanez, politician and journalist is born.

1 852-1856: He travels to Toledo and begins his studies at the Infanter College a. Participate in skirmishes in the coup d'etat of General O Donnell. First military destinations.

1857: Travel to Tenerife to rest and recover from some tertiary fevers.


1859-1860 Participates in the Moroccan campaign, where he meets General Prim, standing on several fronts of conflict: Castillejos, tetu n, Wad-Ras. These experiences will be reflected in his work African Episodes (1897)

1862: Travels to Tenerife for the death of his parents.

1863-1865 Participates in the Santo Domingo campaign, in the famous Montecristi defense. From there, he travels to North America, coinciding with the end of the Civil War, where he analyzes the US military and social situation. Being a captain, he is assigned to Cuba in a replacement situation.

1866-1867 His brothers and sisters die, except for Patrick. In 1867, he married Mar a Concepci n Su rez and Otero, c ...

Casa Borges-Estévanez

The house has about 500 square meters built, and 12,000 m2 of land. The property has a plant in the form of 'U ', with the crust to north more developed, and with a cobbled patio open to the south.

The original place in which the house was built was very different from the current one, since there is only one to the Hermitage of Gracia, as a constructive replica of the Meade house in a little transformed rural environment from which the bay of Santa Cruz.

It is a two-story house, which on its east side and upstairs ends at the well-known balcony, at whose foot the famous almond tree is located. The upper floor has galer ace closed, with small glazed windows. The east facade has a closed balcony upstairs. It excels its closed gallery that runs along the south side of the upper body, to which various constructions were added in two stages. Among them stands out a transverse body located to the west, with a wooden gallery .

Casa Borges-Estévanez

Nicol s Est vanez has traditionally been considered as one of the precursors of the first Canarian nationalism, which is an ideological current of an emancipatory character inspired by the Latin American liberation movements. It is a popular nationalism that is born in the Canary Islands emigrants. Est Vanez, although without being aware of it, was a forerunner of that nationalism, although he had never supported bourgeois nationalism, like the one that was emerging in Europe and Spain during the imperialist expansion of the 19th century.

In the case of Cuba, Est vanez will end up defending his emancipation, through the realization of a referendum in application of the right of self-determination. The great contribution to the development of the Canarian identity signs as a historical nationality is the Song VII of the Canarian poem, which provides the allegorical myth of the almond tree , a symbol of the homeland of all the Canaries, a homeland which is not only an impalpable shadow, but also a rock and a fountain and even a pe. Est vanez also contributes to the development of the Canarian identity signs other ideas: the praise of the Canarian aborigines, the unity of the archipelago as a distinct region and the Africanity of the islands. Something similar has happened with another Canarian character, considered as the father of Canarian nationalism, Secundino Delgado Rodr guez (1867-1912), anarchist, republican and revolutionary, whom Est vanez visited in 1902, during seclusion in the Model Jail from Madrid. The...

Casa Borges-Estévanez

Decree 58/2014, of May 29 , declaring Cultural Interest, with category of Historic Site La Casa Borges-Est vanez, located in the municipality of San Crist bal de La Laguna, island of Tenerife, delimiting its protection environment.

The Borges-Est House in Venezuela is therefore protected under two protection categories: Property of Cultural Interest according to Law 4/1999, of March 15, on the Historical Heritage of the Canary Islands; and level of Structural Protection 1 according to the planning in force in the municipality of San Crist Bal de La Laguna being included in the Protection Catalog of the General Management Plan (Final Approval / October 2004).


The delimitation of the Good of Cultural Interest runs along the southern margin of the Santa Cruz-La Laguna General Highway, until intercepting the axis of the Gomeros Ravine. Go upstream until you reach a point that coincides with the vertical of the west bank of Jos Luis Moreno Becerra Street. From this point, it goes north following the vertical of the aforementioned goes to connect with the veril of the north margin of the aforementioned ravine. From here, it runs along said veril in the NE direction until int ...

Casa Borges-Estévanez

MUNICIPALITY San Crist bal de La Laguna

AREA District1- Barrio de Gracia

ADDRESS Avenida de los Menceyes, 110

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Casa Borges-Estévanez Ermita de Nuestra Señora de Gracia - Cat:Ermitas