San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Espacios Urbanos. Calles -

So called by the Dominican convent that is on its way. It was also known as Calle de la C rcel for being this dependence on it since the early days of the conquest. Thus, it also appears in documents of 1552 as the street that starts from the house of Alonso de Llerena to the jail.

The Santo Domingo street ends at the Plaza de San Crist bal, which everyone knew beforehand as the Tank of Down and which is one of the limits of the lagoon hull.

Calle de Santo Domingo

GARCIA, Carlos: The Old Streets of La Laguna. Its nomenclature from the 16th century until our d. Center of Canarian Popular Culture. 1994

GERM N DE ARMAS, Adri n: La Laguna. Traditional housing and the problems of urban space organization. La Laguna, 1975.

ALEM N, Gilberto: The street n. Critical lagoons. Cabildo de Tenerife, 1985.

CIORANESCU, Alejandro: La Laguna. Gu a historical and monumental. La Laguna, 1965.

MORENO FUENTES, Francisca: Tazm a of the island of Tenerife in 1552. Yearbook of Athletic Studies. Num. 25. Madrid. Las Palmas, 1979.

RODR GUEZ MOURE, Jos: Gu la historica de La Laguna. Institute of Canary Studies. La Laguna, 1935.

Calle de Santo Domingo
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