San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Espacios Urbanos. Calles -

It goes from the Cathedral square to the exit of the city towards Las Mercedes. This denomination, according to Cioranescu, is not known with certainty from where it derives. Tradition seems to confirm that it was a so-called captain who lived on that street and ended up unjustly executed, hence the use of his name to erase the judicial error. This data according to Enrique Romeu Palazuelos is not confirmed, although it could also be the name of the founder of the chapel of San Sebasti n in the Cathedral, in the 16th century, Juan de Acevedo Vera.

At some point I received the name of Rear of the house of Casta n , which goes to the lagoons and where Juan Casta lived.

Enrique Rumeu describes of this street that towards the middle of the same one it was crumbling little by little, the one that was called the house of the spiders, where by the 18th century, according to Don Lope de la Guerra, comedies were celebrated and volatines.

Calle Juan de Vera

GARCIA, CARLOS : The Old Streets of La Laguna. Its nomenclature from the 16th century to the present day. Canary Popular Culture Center, 1994.

ROMÉU PALAZUELOS, ENRIQUE: The Lagoon of the day before yesterday and other stories. Royal Economic Society of Friends of the Country. 2005

GERMAN OF ARMS, Adrián : The Lagoon. Traditional housing and problems of organization of urban space. The Lagoon, 1975.

GERMAN, Gilberto: The alley. Laguna Chronicles. Council of Tenerife, 1985.

CIORANESCU, Alejandro : The Lagoon. Historical and monumental guide. The Lagoon, 1965.

MORENO SOURCES, Francisca: Tazmía of the island of Tenerife in 1552. Yearbook of Atlantic Studies. No.25. Madrid. Las Palmas, 1979.

RODRÍGUEZ MOURE, José: Historical Guide to La Laguna. Institute of Canarian Studies. The Lagoon, 1935.

Calle Juan de Vera
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