- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. Anterior al S.XX -

Canarian traditional architecture.

Castillo, 20

Building of three floors. The first plant used as a warehouse has been remodeled. In the second and third open open window-balcony openings with wrought iron lattice; the central one with flown and of greater dimensions. The Fachada o frontispicio de una fábrica o de otra cosa.

Tambien se denomina Frontis al paramento verticalñ por encima de un arco

' id='41' onmousemove='mIm(event,41);' onMouseOut='oIm(41);' style='display:inline;cursor:hand;text-align:justify'>frontis is topped by a cornice run from canter to molded profiles. They stand out as elements of interest: wood carpentry, railings of openings and balcony.

Remodeling of the first floor for commercial purposes, approximately in the second half of the 20th century.

Castillo, 20

MUNICIPALITY Santa Cruz de Tenerife
AREA Centro-Ifara District
ADDRESS N Castillo Street, 20.

Castillo, 20

Degree of Protection: Partial Sheet 163.

Protection logo n. PGO Santa Cruz de Tenerife. 2014 Partial Definitive Approval.

Castillo, 20

-Cat Logo of Architectural and Urban Heritage Protection. PGO Santa Cruz de Tenerife. 2014 Partial Definitive Approval. Vol. 3. Volume 3.2.1.

Editorial and research team : Architecture Unit of the CICOP Foundation.

Miguel ngel Fern ndez Matr n.

Gislaine Hasse

Jos Luis D will read Mart nez.

Sendy Hern ndez lvarez.

Photograph: Jos M. Bossini Ruiz.

Castillo, 20
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