- Espacios Urbanos. Lugares -

El caser o de El Portugal is one of the oldest and most emblematic neighborhoods of Taganana. Its name derives from the country of origin of its first settlers. Through its alleys you can enjoy a historic atmosphere that takes us to the 16th century. It has a cobbled road with traditional houses lined up, some very old from the 16th century. One of them in a state of unrecoverable ruin.

The houses were built adapting perfectly to the unevenness of the land, aligned and attached next to each other. They are usually of one or two floors, with roofs to two and four waters, one using the curved tile while others show the flat tile.

In the walls the white color repainted during the last century predominates. Checking in all the houses where the original painting can be seen, it is observed that they used ocher colors, combining with z calos and red bands.

As far as windows are concerned, they are green or brown. They are usually made of guillotine, with crystals and metopes painted white, observing in most cases wooden backlight sheets with bearings.

We must highlight the existence of two very old houses (16th century), of great heritage value, one of them is a one-story building, showing its whitewashed wall and the green carpenter, is in a state of Ruin with danger of collapse, the other property also in ruins, has two heights and something better than the previous one is preserved. On one side it shows remains of what was originally a small balcony, leaving only the ground floor beams. Even in its face its white color is observed, while the windows are painted red. Another important property also of two heights is the one that preserves a staircase made of stone, attached to the rear facade, to access the upper floor.

suspension areas

Processing Status

- Final Approval of the Master Plan for the Use and Management of Anaga Rural Park, published on 06/03/2007 in the BOC 2007/047.

Classification: Rustic Soil

Category: Rural Rural Settlement Land

- ALMENARA ROSALES, M. (2006). Study and cataloging of Anaga Rural heritage. Phase I , Environmental control and management service, Bureau of Natural Spaces and the Coast, City Council of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

- CIORANESCU, A. (1998). History of Santa Cruz de Tenerife . Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks.

- MART N HERN NDEZ, U. (2006). General history of the Anaga region . Idea editions.

Editorial and research team: Architecture Unit of the CICOP Foundation.

Miguel ngel Fern ndez Matr n.

Jos Luis D will read Mart nez.

Gislane Hasse

Sendy Hern ndez lvarez.

Photograph: Jos M. Bossini Ruiz.

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