At the top of the ground, in the form of Oct. Gano, with approximately three feet on each side, it coalesces through a semi-spherical segmented column. On the walls of the cantilever eac pula de alvenaria, there is also an entrance portal, decorated with pilasters and sculpted pedra lintel. Or interior pavement of pedra. In front of the portal there is an altar with a front or triangular altar with traces of polychrome. No mpano (spanish or between or lintel e as duas ramps of um front o) h um bras o, provavelmente do senhor das terras where a capela was built. One side of the entrance opens a small cinnamon. Or set of the altar formed by a reticulum sculpted in pedra branca of origem calc ria (provavelmente das pedreiras da ilha de Maio). O re pos bulo possui duas fake colonnades of jico style, with a front oe bras or familiar. Not interior delimited by these classical elements, there is a wall revoked of lime as a kind of ladies' tabuleiro and radial to the upper part, painted with vermelho. A table of the altar foi feitade alvenaria de pedra. A Capela Funer would have a simple format: a retangular plant with another module in the center of the center. It also preserves the north wall, remains of the altar. O t mulo retangular, with 2.39 meters x 1.34 meters, was feito de mmore branco e rosa. Nas escava is archeological, at the same time as several types of ceramic materials identified, some of them were found in the 19th century.