Exemplary of the traditional domestic architecture of Arona. XVIII-XIX centuries. Bibliograf a: -DECRETO 70/2007, of April 2, declaring the historic center of Arona as a Site of Cultural Interest, with a category of Historic Ensemble. Annex -Guide of the Arona Historical Ensemble. Arona town hall.
Building of rectangular plant and a single plant, sloping roof with four waters of ceramic tile. Facade with three openings arranged asymmetrically, folding leaf windows, glazed metopes, shutter, sill and wooden bearings. Top of the facade by a molded stone frieze and masonry sill to hide the roof. Z calo and vertical bands of differentiated colors.
ISLAND Tenerife Arona MUNICIPALITY ZONE Historic helmet ADDRESS Duke of the Tower, 27
Masonry loading walls a, sloping roofs with four waters and wooden carpenters.
This property is included in the scope of the Historic Set of Arona declared BIC by DECREE 70/2007, of April 2.
Fundación Centro Internacional para la Conservación del Patrimonio.
Casa de los Capitanes, C/Obispo rey redondo 5 - 38201 La Laguna. Tel. y Fax +34 922 601167 - Email: info@cicop.com - www.cicop.com.
Inscrita con el Nº 952 en el Registro de Fundaciones del Ministerio de Cultura por Orden Ministerial 27/10/2010, BOE de 22 de Noviembre.
-DECRETO 70/2007, of April 2, declaring the historic center of Arona as a Site of Cultural Interest, with a category of Historic Set. Annex -Guide of the Arona Historical Ensemble. Arona town hall. Editorial and research team : Architecture Unit of the CICOP Foundation. Miguel ngel Fern ndez Matr n. Gislaine Hasse Photographs: Gislaine Hasse Sikorski.
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