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Villa de San Juan de la Rambla
- Arquitectura Doméstica. Arquitectura Doméstica Urbana -

Property erected at the end of the 19th century the works were initiated by D. Basilio Yanes Rodr guez, his name was engraved on a piece of masonry to be circulated which is located in the front n located above the main access door on the facade. Later it was acquired without finishing in 1913 by Don Antonio Ruiz Borges, who finished the works. It is located on the corner between Jos Antonio Avenue and Antonio Ruiz Borges Street.

Casa de los Yanes de Torres

Square building with a central patio, is located in the corner and consists of a height above ground and a semi-tannin. It has a total of eighteen openings of asymmetric and messy wood between the different facades. These have a neoclassical design, highlighting the cornice located under the upper floor, which runs the entire length of the main facade and is made of stone from flat to smooth. Below this is a smaller one.

On the central axis of the main façade, the height of the parapet is located at a front, which is topped with a smooth canter edge of the same design or that of the cornices. Crowning it, it was placed on a circular stone in which the initials of the first owner of the property are inscribed as well as the year in which its construction began.

In the main façade, there are a total of seven openings, formed by doors topped with a semicircular arch and lowered with glazed uprights and mostly with interior light covers.

On the side façade there is a semi-tano that saves the slope with small windows. All the carpenters are made of wood with glazed frames, in addition in the north zone it has an access door to a garage. The property consists of several modules, three of them have flat roofs and one which has an L-shaped floor has a sloping roof with two curved roofs.

Casa de los Yanes de Torres

MUNICIPALITY San Juan de la Rambla

ZONE Historic helmet

ADDRESS N Av. Jos Antonio n 18


X 338,360.12

And 3,141,961.74

PGO of San Juan de la Rambla , Cat logo of Protected Buildings of the municipality of San Juan de La Rambla, December 1999.

PEP of Interior Reform of San Juan de la Rambla , February 1998.

BIC , Category of Historic Set, BOC N 092 (07/16/1993).

Five centuries of history of San Juan de la Rambla Jos Antonio Oramas Luis. 1999.

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Comentario Esta Casa perteneció a mi bisabuelo. Don Basilio Yanes de Torres, para quien me quiera contactar soy la bisnieta Genoveva ; nieta de Aureliano Yanes de torres hijo de Basilio Yanès de Torres, vivo en venezuela

Genoveva Lima Yànes

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