Villa de San Juan de la Rambla
- Arquitectura Doméstica. Arquitectura Doméstica Urbana -

It is located in what was once called the narrow street. It was erected in 1867 by D. Mateo Delgado Oramas de Sa (1737-1794) and sharing the property with his sister D a. Catalina, and was inherited for several generations. The original house was divided into two parts at the beginning of the 20th century by a wall, the main facade gave rise to the old school of the town.

The main façade was two stories, but currently one more has been added with a roof in the north, which has given the current aesthetic of the house. To the west it formerly adjoined the drawer n of Las Blasas.

Casa de los Oramas Quevedo

Property located in the center of the historic town, irregularly located, east of the plot and with three facades, being a mediator to the East. It is currently divided into several owners.

On the south façade, there are ten openings, differentiating a semi-basement on the ground floor ventilated through small windows located under a total of four windows belonging to the upper floor made of wood with details with peculiar floral motifs and preserved in very good condition.

The west façade is composed on the one hand a module of two heights with two openings (PP), which are aligned and has a balcony upstairs; and on the other hand a module of three heights fruit of later extensions.

Finally, the north façade, with access to Jos Antonio Avenue, which has undergone major modifications, and is composed of a wide variety of openings distributed in a disorderly manner, adintelados and with wood carpentry.

It has in the original module a tile roof with cornice run from canter to under the eaves, in addition it has several modules formed by a set of flat roofs with a central patio.

Casa de los Oramas Quevedo

MUNICIPALITY San Juan de la Rambla

ZONE Historic helmet

ADDRESS C / Narrow n 8


X 338,513.60

And 3,142,026.85

PGO of San Juan de la Rambla , Cat logo of Protected Buildings of the municipality of San Juan de La Rambla, December 1999.

PEP of Interior Reform of San Juan de la Rambla , February 1998.

BIC , Category of Historic Set, BOC N 092 (07/16/1993).

Five centuries of history of San Juan de la Rambla Jos Antonio Oramas Luis. 1999.

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