Villa de San Juan de la Rambla
- Arquitectura Doméstica. Arquitectura Doméstica Urbana -

Property located in La Placeta, erected at the beginning of the 19th century by order of Mr. Jes s Falc n Silva (1871-1958), currently belonging to his descendants and divided into four properties by horizontal division.

Casa de los Falcón López

Building adjacent to La Placeta, it has a stable and is distributed in two heights. Due to its ecological architecture, its volume as well as the masonry ornaments located on the different facades; It stands out among the other homes located in the whole of the historic town. In addition to the one located in the placeta, it has facades to two more streets.

In all the facades there is a homogenous design, with a total of nineteen openings with curved lintel with masonic frames in a decorative way and destroyed equally. The doors are elongated with flat and elementary frames. On the contrary, the windows have sills that mimic the image of small balconies, executed in mamposter a. On the main façade, a balcony with the same design is located, which links the two central openings of said plant.

As mamposter elements to be noted, the balconies, elements located on the North facade arranged to hide the difference in level with respect to the other facades, two dividing cornices between the different floors and an element that crowns all the facades that are available by way of fort n. The latter has a circumference shape and provides its own style characteristic of the building. The roof is flat and impassable.

Casa de los Falcón López

MUNICIPALITY San Juan de la Rambla

ZONE Historic helmet

ADDRESS N Av. Jos Antonio n 7


X 338,444.29

              And 3,141,965.95

PGO of San Juan de la Rambla , Cat logo of Protected Buildings of the municipality of San Juan de La Rambla, December 1999.

PEP of Interior Reform of San Juan de la Rambla , February 1998.

BIC , Category of Historic Set, BOC N 092 (07/16/1993).

Five centuries of history of San Juan de la Rambla Jos Antonio Oramas Luis. 1999.

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