Villa de San Juan de la Rambla
- Arquitectura Doméstica. Arquitectura Doméstica Urbana -

Building located in front of the old Alh ndiga, it is recorded that construction work began approximately in the third quarter of the 18th century by Mr. Antonio Lorenzo Oramas de Sa who bought the plot in 1766. The house suffered great damage with the aluvi n 1826, being one of the most affected, subsequently needed works for reconstruction. With the passage of time passed from generation to generation, and is currently uninhabited and in an advanced state of deterioration.

Casa de los Delgados Oramas

Building is composed of several modules that together have an irregular floor plan. It is located on the corner between Calle la Alh ndiga and Antonio Oramas. Highlights the large number of openings adintelados with wood carpenters of design or similar, these are distributed in a disorderly way between the different facades. The building consists of two heights and a third floor inside.

Most of the house has a curved tile roof with a jagged cornice under the eaves. In the south it has a roof part with cornice from canter to corrida, which is accessed by an external staircase and in which a viewpoint is located. This was part of the works carried out in the 19th century after the 1826 study.

On the west facade, the main one, is located on a large wooden balcony supported by double dogs, with a railing which has a lower railing of smooth frames under one of flat balusters. A few feet with shoes in its coronation support the roof, this is three waters finished with curved tile. Four bodies are distinguished between the right feet, adjacent to three openings (two windows and a door). Due to the state of deterioration, it is currently underpinned to reinforce the roof structure.

The carpenters of the windows, some of which have undergone modifications, were originally made of three bodies: the front panel of smooth frames, an intermediate one with two folding blades and a shutter with bearing frames; and an upper body formed ...

Casa de los Delgados Oramas

MUNICIPALITY San Juan de la Rambla

ZONE Historic helmet

ADDRESS C / La Alh ndiga n 4


X 338,563.82

And 3,141,970.20

PGO of San Juan de la Rambla , Cat logo of Protected Buildings of the municipality of San Juan de La Rambla, December 1999.

PEP of Interior Reform of San Juan de la Rambla, February 1998.

BIC, Category of Historic Set, BOC N 092 (07/16/1993).

Five centuries of history of San Juan de la Rambla Jos Antonio Oramas Luis. 1999.

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