Villa de San Juan de la Rambla
- Arquitectura Doméstica. Arquitectura Doméstica Urbana -

Located on Calle La Ladera also known for the large number of shoes, up to three in a contemporary way, being both high quality materials in both leather and leather.

In this house of large, vertically oriented geometry to vertical windows, we find clear neoclassical influences, which makes us possibly date it at the end of the 18th century or the beginning of the 19th century.

We can observe these influences in the replacement of solid wood sills with other wrought iron slabs. Also because of the roughness of their carpenters and jambs without any work and load-bearing walls not drawn at level, causing these typical trapezoidal facades.

We find in it a symmetric distribution of the openings guided by the reigning academicism. The need of the inhabitant to create benefits for decorum and the common good is marginalized. In addition, there is an architectural growth, as well as a social one, which exemplifies the consolidation of style.

Calle La Ladera, nº 1

Corner building, its typology is rectangular. It has a trapezoidal main facade and a rectangular secondary.

Developed on one floor, with two openings in the main facade, evenly distributed and two other modules with a single opening in two of them. We highlight a finished sill with carved stone albardilla, as well as a stone cornice, probably coming from the quarry near the municipality rich in ignimbrita.

It consists of a passable flat roof, which forms a single crust, probably made with beams of the pine forests of the municipality, planking and mortar cake, topped with lime at the top.

We find wooden carpenters with glass frames and gates of the same material. Fixed sill protected by forging.

Municipality: San Juan de la Rambla

Zone: Historic Center  

Address: La Ladera Street, n 1


X: 338,415.41

Y: 3,141,939.28

General Management Plan of San Juan de la Rambla. 2004

Special Protection Plan and Interior Reform of San Juan de la Rambla. 1997

Cartograf a de Canarias SA (GRAFCAN)

PGO San Juan de la Rambla.

Special Protection Plan and Interior Reform of San Juan de la Rambla. 1997

Electronic Headquarters of the Cadastre.

Jose Antonio Oramas Luis, Five Centuries of History of San Juan de la Rambla. San Juan de la Rambla Town Hall. 1999

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