Villa de San Juan de la Rambla
- Arquitectura Religiosa. Calvarios -

When King Carlos III abused the custom of burying in the churches, and the hygiene situation was unsustainable, the City Council ordered the construction of the Cemetery at the exit of the town. This happened in the middle of the 19th century although the works began in October 1820.

On the other hand, the Calvary located to the west was built by the support of the neighbors, led by the Mayor D. Miguel Ferndez del Castillo, concluded in 1849, as indicated by an inscription carved into its facade. This initiative arose to recover the ordeal that collapsed with the gale of 1826.

The conservation work of both El Calvario and the Cemetery is carried out by the Mart n Rodr Guez Cultural Association of this municipality.

Antiguo cementerio y Calvario

The cemetery is located at the west end of the town next to the old road that leads to Icod de los Vinos, very close to the San Juan quarry. Its plant is rectangular and is delimited by walls of mamposter a. Its interior is accessed through a cover located on the main façade, which is composed of thick corrugated walls which have pyramidal stone finishes at the ends; on the access door was a cross of carved stone.

Inside, there is a staircase, which gives access to the north area where there is a corridor that leads to the burial chapel as well as to lateral niches. The tombs are distributed in parallel bands and surrounded by gardens, in which there is a great variety of bases that support the wooden crosses of each tomb in a land area.

On the right side of it are small canteen pantheons with facades framed by pilasters, some striated and topped with triangular pediments, opening in them lowered arches closed by wrought iron railings. Before the renovations that were carried out on these tombs, there was a differentiating element on top of each front of them, today there is only one that can be seen separately entering the left of the funerary enclosure.

At the end of the enclosure, you sit at the funeral chapel with a large glazed niche. A crucifix of carved wood and polychrome ...

Antiguo cementerio y Calvario

MUNICIPALITY San Juan de la Rambla

ZONE Historic helmet

AV ADDRESS Jos Antonio 34 (A)


X 338,212.06

And 3,141,918.53

PGO of San Juan de la Rambla , Cat logo of Protected Buildings of the municipality of San Juan de La Rambla, December 1999.

PEP of Interior Reform of San Juan de la Rambla, February 1998.

BIC , Category of Historic Set, BOC N 092 (07/16/1993).

Five centuries of history of San Juan de la Rambla Jos Antonio Oramas Luis. 1999.

Communication on the Study of Popular Architecture of the Villa de San Juan de la Rambla in the North Region of the Island of Tenerife , Nayra Jorge Alonso. 2013

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