Villa de Los Realejos
- Bienes Muebles. Orfebreria -

Portable custody is encompassed within the Eucharistic objects as a sacred vessel. It is dated in the eighteenth century, knowing the data that was made by an anonymous author of the Canarian school (origin of San Crist Bal de La Laguna).

The custody is divided into four parts: the foot or base, ca ao astil, the sun and the manly.

The foot or base serves as a basement and can be of several forms, with very different motives.

The Ca ao Astil is the piece that joins the foot with the sun.

The sun is composed of a circular disk, hollow in the center, on whose front and around it the decoration is arranged.

The virile is the exhibitor proper, where his obverse and reverse are protected by a glass. The back of the virile is a door that opens and closes for the placement of the Sant simo Sacramento.

Custodia de rayos lisos

Reliable portable custody. It sits on a circular base with a straight and smooth surface, bordered with geometric, vegetable and floral motifs. Above it stands a smooth straight top body, and a caveto with decoration with geometric, vegetable and floral motifs, arranged on three levels. A thick muzzle starts the shimmering shaft, with a cylindrical section, neck with carved vegetable decoration. The upper body is shaped like a bulbous body with floral decoration. The circular ostensory features double glass for viriles. To the outside it is surrounded by a glow of smooth rays in alternating proportion, finished off with a cross, with phages in the corners.

Custodia de rayos lisos

Height: 55 cm

Width: 26 cm

Custodia de rayos lisos

Sacrist a.

Custodia de rayos lisos

Foundation International Center for the Conservation of Heritage (Cicop), 2013.

BOC.2011 / 227. File of modification of the Cultural Interest Property, with a category of Historical-Artistic Monument, in favor of the Church of Santiago Apstol, in the municipality of Los Realejos.

Custodia de rayos lisos
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Custodia de rayos lisos Iglesia de Santiago Apóstol - Cat:Iglesias