Villa de Los Realejos
- Bienes Muebles. Escultura -

Rich sculpture set composed of the captive Christ as a dress image made of carved and polychrome wood by the sculptor Luis Gonz lez Rey belonging to the Cadiz school in 1998. Luis Enrique Gonz lez Rey was born in Cdiz in 1965. He began his studies at the School of Applied Arts and Artistic crafts of that city, where he meets the sculptor isle or Alfonso Berraquero of which he is a student. Very soon he began to receive orders from different cofrad ace of the city and the province, until he became the most important imager currently of the Holy Week in Cdiz.
The two angels that accompany the Christ are made of carved and polychrome wood by the sculptor Cristo Quintero natural de la Orotava in 1999.

Cristo del desprecio

The rich sculpture of Christ set of Herod's contempt is composed of an image of Christ's dress dressed in white robes after being stripped of Nazarene's uniqueness, this maniatado with two angels im round-shaped genes that hold the cords that They tie their hands at the height of the wrists, with the expression of humility on their face and crowned by prickly pears of metal.

Cristo del desprecio


Height: 168 Width: 52 Depth: 52

Angel (1)

Height: 73 Width: 30 Depth: 30

Angel (2)

Height: 76 Width: 30 Depth: 30

In the nave of the Gospel, between the altarpiece of St. Jos and the access door to the baptistery.

Cristo del desprecio

Foundation International Center for the Conservation of Heritage (Cicop), 2013.

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Cristo del desprecio Iglesia de Santiago Apóstol - Cat:Iglesias