Villa de Los Realejos
- Bienes Muebles. Orfebreria -

The banner belonging to the image of the Apostle Satiago has the incision PAX DOMINI SIT SEMPER VOVISCUM.

The lecterns belonging to the altarpiece are made using the technique of embossing, as are the six candlesticks.

Complementos religiosos Retablo Mayor-Retablo de Santiago

Complements in goldsmithing of the religious imaginer corresponding to each existing image in an altarpiece. Some of the complements represent and characterize the religious image.

Complementos religiosos Retablo Mayor-Retablo de Santiago

Various dimensions

Complementos religiosos Retablo Mayor-Retablo de Santiago

Sacrist a

Complementos religiosos Retablo Mayor-Retablo de Santiago

Foundation International Center for the Conservation of Heritage (Cicop), 2013.

Complementos religiosos Retablo Mayor-Retablo de Santiago
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