Villa de Los Realejos
- Etnografía. Cementerios -

This cemetery is located on the site occupied by the former convent of Santa Lucia, of Franciscan Recoletos, which includes inside the old hermitage dedicated to this Sicilian saint, whose image is currently in the church of Santiago Ap stol. This convent was exclaustrated in 1836, disappearing forever in a fire suffered in 1864. After these events, the current cemetery of San Francisco de As s was designed, carrying out burials since the 80s of the 19th century. ste an preserves in its walls the old cover of the convent, used as access to it. In its interior rest some of the most outstanding families of the place, such as the Garc a Estrada, the Camacho, Chaves, Cipriano de Arribas or the one of the writings Agust n Espinosa Garc a.

Cementerio de San Francisco de Asís

At the top of the Realejo Bajo, where El Medio and Cruz Verde streets depart, is the cemetery of San Francisco de As s located on the plot that occupied the former convent of Santa Lucia. The space is configured on two levels, divided by the central vane that runs through the cemetery from the entrance door to the chapel of the holy field located at the other end. The lower level is composed on its east side of various sets of niches raised in different phases, located on the west side, to the right of the entrance to the cemetery, a space for burial on land called the children's garden, present Take the rest of the graves on both sides of the hall. The upper level where the chapel is located is called the garden above, and in this area there is a large space for graves on land, and where there are pantheons raised between the twenties and fifties of the twentieth century.

Cementerio de San Francisco de Asís


Low Realejo AREA

ADDRESS C / Cruz Verde, 77


X 344499.88

And 3140684.68

BIC , Category of Historic Set, Decree 220/2005. BOC N 243 (12/14/2005).

Illustrious City Hall of the Villa de Los Realejos, Inventory of Real Estate of the Villa de Los Realejos. Tenerife Island , Hon. Town Hall of the Villa de Los Realejos, 2012.

Los Realejos Town Hall: 'Los Realejos, a historical synthesis' . Los Realejos, 1995.

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