Villa de Los Realejos
- Bienes Muebles. Textiles -

Religious clothing made by the technique of sewing at the end of the 19th century. It is used in especially festive cases and can replace any of the colors existing in the chasubles except purple and black. It symbolizes glory, joy, innocence and purity of the soul.

Casulla Terno blanco

Chasuble of the type of guitar narrowed at chest level, made of golden satin fabric decorated with embroidery made of gold thread, sequins and small metallic pieces. Stresses in this piece the embroidered work, forming a set of great plasticity and iconographic interest. The entire perimeter is covered by a border with a continuous undulating line, which vertically traverses the front and back of the piece, dividing it into three bands. The decorative space is distributed in three vertical bands being equal to those of the ends that are formed by a high branch, curved at the base, from which vigorous and stylized vegetable lines emerge winding in parallel between flowers and spikes of long curved stems with leaves and flowers enhanced in gold, on both fronts.

I accompanied him to a stole.

Casulla Terno blanco

Height : 110 cm

Width: 67 cm

Casulla Terno blanco

Located in the parish office.

Casulla Terno blanco

Foundation International Center for the Conservation of Heritage (Cicop), 2013.

Casulla Terno blanco
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Casulla Terno blanco Iglesia de Santiago Apóstol - Cat:Iglesias