Villa de Los Realejos
- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. Arquitectura Doméstica Urbana -

This property, located next to the Plaza de San Sebasti n, in its origins was part of the leadership of Los Prncipes, being a building linked to the production of wine, known as the House of Los Lagares. It is a traditional 17th-century domestic architecture, which is currently divided into two independent properties. Part of this building was acquired by the City Council of Los Realejos in 1995, in order to use it for cultural and educational uses. In 2008, a comprehensive rehabilitation was carried out, with the architect Luis M. Mach n P rez in charge of the project. It currently houses the Casa de La Parra Cultural Space.

Casa de la Parra Baja

This is an example of traditional architecture, originally intended for the production of agricultural products from the lands of the mayorazgo of Los Prncipes, being established as a billing center, housing wineries for the production of wine.

This property was growing according to the needs, until it is defined as it is presented today, the building is structured around a Canarian courtyard, which has a gallery, currently closed, supported by right feet, maintaining the original staircase that functions as an element of connection with said gallery, and that serves the different units of the noble floor. It is made of wood with the exception of the first section solved in stone to isolate it from possible contact with water.

It consists of two floors high, and presents a 17th-century mud jar architecture, where the layout of the openings is untidy, practicing the gaps in those places that were necessary, regardless of the aesthetic aspect.

In the main façade you can differentiate the different modules that make up the architectural complex, consisting of ten openings, and topped with a double threaded eave. The roofs are resolved to four waters with Arabic tile, except for that corresponding to the module perpendicular to the main one with a flat roof.

Casa de la Parra Baja


Low Realejo AREA

ADDRESS Plaza San Sebasti n, 5


X 344313.70

And 3140859.74

BIC , Category u0301a of Histo u0301rico Set, Decree 220/2005. BOC No 243 (12/14/2005)

BIC , Category u0301a of Monument, Decree 264/2003. BOC No. 199 (09/30/2003)

Illustrious City Hall of the Villa de Los Realejos, Inventory of Real Estate of the Villa de Los Realejos. Tenerife Island , Hon. Town Hall of the Villa de Los Realejos, 2012.

Insular Program of Historical Heritage , Island Council of Tenerife - CICOP Spain, 1996.

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