Villa de Los Realejos
- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. Arquitectura Doméstica Urbana -

Raised by Sebasti n Hern ndez and subsequently sold to a member of the Placencia family. The property is erected following the guidelines of eclecticism, dating to the early twentieth century. Property built between medians, treat within the Realejos of one the models of ecological architecture that integrates the model of popular Canarian architecture. The facade highlights its compositional simplicity and the figurative abstraction of the property where there is a fusion of aesthetic features. The incipient ecological style incorporates new construction processes, structural systems and improvements in habitability.

Casa Placencia (García Estrada, 31)

Architecturally, the property is built on a square floor adapted to the orography of the land. Its facade is of two heights with an orderly arrangement of the openings and topped off with a roof with a pair and row structure with four flat tile roofs. Vertically the facade is delimited laterally with pilasters placed vertically as a decorative embossed strip made on the walls. The facade is topped off with a sill on a ledge with a curve and countercurve decoration. As a rich sculpture decoration, three strips of balusters are located on the sill, and on the second, balconies flown with reinforced concrete with a wrought iron stand.

Casa Placencia (García Estrada, 31)


AREA San Agust n

ADDRESS N Garc a Estrada Street, 31


X 344674.68

And 3141482.87

Category of Monument. Church of Carmen and San Agust Square n.

BIC data: Decree 90/2008, of May 6. Official Newsletter of the Canary Islands, n 97, Thursday, May 15, 2008.

Los Realejos PGO , Protection Logo, Los Realejos, 2013.- In initial approval phase.

Decree 90/2008, of May 6. Official Newsletter of the Canary Islands, n 97, Thursday, May 15, 2008.

Illustrious City Hall of the Villa de Los Realejos, u201 Inventory of Real Estate of the Villa de Los Realejos. Tenerife Island ' , Hon. Town Hall of the Villa de Los Realejos, 2012.

OA3 Architecture Office Tres SLP, 'PGO Los Realejos ' , Protection Logo, Los Realejos, 2013. - Approval -.

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