Villa de Los Realejos
- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. Arquitectura Doméstica Urbana -

This property located on the street formerly known as 'El Water ' and currently changed to Calle Viera and Calvijo, due to the birth of the Canarian historian D. Jos Viera y Clavijo in this building on December 28, 1731. The building of strong influence mud jar was erected at the end of the seventeenth century continuing with the constructive tradition that has developed since the sixteenth century in the municipality, through the use of materials from the place for the execution of its bearing walls with masonry, and the common use of wooden structure roofs with four waters and Arabic tile covering applying a very simple compositional scheme to the facades.

Casa Natal de D. José Viera y Clavijo

Building between medians carried out in the traditional way through the use of masonry walls, initially of rectangular plan with two heights and a single creak with a roof and four-deck roof structure covered with Arabic tile. It has rear areas for orchards, currently occupied by building modules developed later, in the area of the ravine of God nez. Its trapezoidal Fachada o frontispicio de una fábrica o de otra cosa.

Tambien se denomina Frontis al paramento verticalñ por encima de un arco

' id='41' onmousemove='mIm(event,41);' onMouseOut='oIm(41);' style='display:inline;cursor:hand;text-align:justify'>frontis, due to the slope of the vaa which opens east, houses six openings arranged asymmetrically four on the ground floor and two in the one corresponding to the shed. On the ground floor the opening corresponding to the door of a leaf is of recent invoice, being formerly located only the three of two leaves, currently door-window-door, keeping the window interesting works of carpenter a. On the upper floor, the two openings house wooden carpenters with table sills and two swinging sheets of boards. The country of the facade is topped by the traditional flight of the Arab roof tile eave with two threads.

Casa Natal de D. José Viera y Clavijo


AREA Realejo Alto

ADDRESS N Calle Viera y Clavijo, 101


X 344498.14

And 3140213.29

BIC - Monument Category. (Decree 50/1986 of March 14 of the Ministry of Culture).

Los Realejos PGO , Protection Logo, Los Realejos, 2013. u2013 In initial approval phase.

Illustrious City Hall of the Villa de Los Realejos, Inventory of Real Estate of the Villa de Los Realejos. Tenerife Island , Hon. Town Hall of the Villa de Los Realejos, 2012.

OA3 Architecture Office Tres SLP, 'PGO Los Realejos ' , Protection Logo, Los Realejos, 2013. u2013 In initial approval phase-

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