Villa de Los Realejos
- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. Arquitectura Doméstica Urbana -

Historically, the property is included in the mud jar style, in which family use is combined with that of agricultural exploitation. Despite being in an urban environment, the house originally had a clear character agr cola. The property has an intimate relationship between its architectural forms and its functionality, with clear and precise functional schemes, with wide walls that allow to hold the thrusts and give useful spaces. Its architectural composition recalls the essence of this style, not only for the materials used, but for the balanced composition of its openings depending on the uses intended by plant. The house is dated in the 18th century.

Casa Higa, 12

Architecturally, the original building stands on a rectangular floor adapted to the orography of the land. Its facade is staggered and can be divided into three modules, all of them made using stone and mud masonry. The main module is of two heights with an orderly arrangement of the openings and topped off with a roof with a pair and row structure with four curved tile waters. An intermediate module with a flat roof height and a third module foreseeably with a sloping roof. Vertically the different modules are vertically framed with a decorative embossed strip made on the walls, horizontally the facades are topped off with a curved tile eave on a row of teeth in the area of sloping roofs and with a relief decoration on the wall in the flat roof area. The different designs and layout originate from the carpenters in this building, taking advantage of strategic places for their location, it is one of the most unique elements, possessing a great variety of examples.

Casa Higa, 12


The Holy Cross AREA

ADDRESS Street Casa Higa, 12


X 346405.17

And 3140052.07

Los Realejos PGO , Protection Logo, Los Realejos, 2013.- In initial approval phase.

Illustrious City Hall of the Villa de Los Realejos, u201 Inventory of Real Estate of the Villa de Los Realejos. Tenerife Island ' , Hon. Town Hall of the Villa de Los Realejos, 2012.

OA3 Architecture Office Tres SLP, 'PGO Los Realejos ' , Protection Logo, Los Realejos, 2013. - Approval -

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