Villa de Los Realejos
- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. Arquitectura Doméstica Urbana -

The building is built around 20 years of the 20th century in part of the plot of the convent of San Juan Bautista. Convent of San Juan Bautista built by Juan de Gordejuela in 1610, convent destroyed by a fire in 1806 and confiscated in the thirties of that century. Its facade reflects popular eclecticism values prevailing at that time, highlighting the work of moldings and decoration in masonry and rejer a. In this way, the incipient ecological style incorporates greater artistic achievements in the facade thanks to the use of reinforced concrete, which generates new construction processes, structural systems and improvements in habitability.

Casa Hernández (La Alhóndiga, 4)

Erected on a rectangular plant of great length, the property is characterized by being developed in two heights and composed of three cracks, two to three waters and one to four. Covers made with a structure of pair and row of wood and covered with curved tile. Its main façade has an orderly arrangement of the openings, oblong openings where the access doors are located on the ground floor and window doors on the upper floor that give access to a flying balcony of reinforced concrete with a guard sill. Delimiting in the upper part the completion of the facade and the beginning of the parapet that delimits the sloping roof a cornice is placed horizontally. The cornice is made with a decoration based on curves and countercurves. On this main facade and where the parapet is located, the eave is cut over this area to facilitate the evacuation of the water and a channel is made that redirects the waters to certain evacuation points. Inside stands out the access staircase to the second floor made of wood.

Casa Hernández (La Alhóndiga, 4)


AREA San Agust n

ADDRESS Street La Alh ndiga, 4


X 344633.49

              And 3141269.24

Category of Monument. Church of Carmen and San Agust Square n.

BIC data: Decree 90/2008, of May 6. Official Newsletter of the Canary Islands, n 97, Thursday, May 15, 2008.

Los Realejos PGO , Protection Logo, Los Realejos, 2013.- In initial approval phase.

Decree 90/2008, of May 6. Official Newsletter of the Canary Islands, n 97, Thursday, May 15, 2008.

Illustrious City Hall of the Villa de Los Realejos, u201 Inventory of Real Estate of the Villa de Los Realejos. Tenerife Island ' , Hon. Town Hall of the Villa de Los Realejos, 2012.

OA3 Architecture Office Tres SLP, 'PGO Los Realejos ' , Protection Logo, Los Realejos, 2013. - Approval -.

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