Villa de Los Realejos
- Patrimonio Inmaterial. Fiestas y Tradiciones -

The arrival of the carnestolendas is no stranger to the realejeros, since these celebrations have been celebrated in the town, although in a significant way since the eighties of the last century, when the Carnival parties are structured as we can enjoy them today, promoted , at that time, by the thriving Center of Initiatives and Tourism of the town. The carnival hatching of the capital of the island, along with other cities such as Puerto de La Cruz, was the incentive for carnival takeoff in towns such as Los Realejos, where they began to organize murgas, troupes and shows, resulting in the consequent gala of election of the queen, horseback riding and things, to end with the funeral of Mr. Rascay , character that embodies the celebrations. The actual configuration of the carnival realejeros varies according to the years and the organization of the same ones, that is in charge of the councilor of celebrations of the town hall. From the weekend before Carnival Sunday, the galas of choice of the queens take place, which give way to the infantile thing, which starts from the Plaza de La Carrera to the Plaza de San Agust n. In the carnival all local groups participate, and always revolves around a specific theme. Monday is considered to be the important dams, with the expensive apotheosis of the realejero carnival, which starts from Tigaiga to San Agust n, with an infinity of disguised people, decorated cars, murgas, comparsas, rondallas, choreographic groups and numerous floats. The explosion of light, color and fantasy takes the streets ...

Carnaval de Los Realejos

PARTY GUIDE. HE City Council of Los Realejos. Department of Tourism. 2016

Carnaval de Los Realejos
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