Villa de Los Realejos
- Arquitectura Religiosa. Capillas -

As a result of the popular initiative, this chapel was built in the first one of u0301 each of the twentieth century, its origin was located u0301a on a cross located previously on the street that bears his name. It belongs to the group of chapels dedicated to the diffusion u0301n and devotion u0301n to the Santo madero in Los Realejos, tradition u0301n that is u0301 linked to u0301 intimately to two historical events u0301ricos, the first we can look for in the conquest of the island of Tenerife occurred in 1496 and the placement u0301n of a wooden cross in what would then be u0301a the temple of Santiago Apo u0301stol, of which au u0301n remains are preserved within the silver filigree cross of (1677) which houses the mentioned temple. Meanwhile, the second fact can be associated with the foundation u0301n at the beginning of the seventeenth century of the convent of Santa Lucia belonging to the Franciscan Order, which led to those friars placing crosses in different places away from the population centers establishing their own Vi u0301a Crucis.

This hermitage is u0301 linked in the cadastre to the private property located on your right, registered with the number 11 of the middle street.

Capilla de Cruz de la calle Márquez

The chapel features on its facade in an ecliptic style, a very elongated cover, with a semicircular arch, which houses a two-leaf wooden carpentry, in which windows that open to give a view of the inside through some bars of vegetal forms. Topping the facade there is a ledge on which the plain front n appears, with the cross in the middle, and on both sides of these two glasses. After the front n, the chapel has a gable roof. Inside, the hydraulic pavement of geometric motifs stands out.

Capilla de Cruz de la calle Márquez


Low Realejo AREA

ADDRESS C / M rquez, s / n


X 344405.93

And 3140796.54

BIC , Category of Historic Set, Decree 220/2005. BOC N 243 (12/14/2005).

Illustrious City Hall of the Villa de Los Realejos, Inventory of Real Estate of the Villa de Los Realejos. Tenerife Island , Hon. Town Hall of the Villa de Los Realejos, 2012.

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