Villa de Los Realejos
- Arquitectura Religiosa. Capillas -

This chapel is located on Cruz Verde street, at the landing of M rquez street, very close to the old Franciscan convent. It is a building of the twentieth century developed as a great classical cover, which was raised by reusing materials from the old convent. It belongs to the group of buildings dedicated to the diffusion and devotion to the Santo madero in Los Realejos, a tradition that is closely linked to two historical facts, the first one we can look for in the conquest of the island of Tenerife in 1496 and the placement of a wooden cross in what then be to the temple of Santiago Ap stol, of which remains are still conserved within the silver filigree cross of (1677) that houses the mentioned temple. Meanwhile, the second fact can be associated with the foundation at the beginning of the 17th century of the convent of Santa Lucia belonging to the Franciscan Order, which led to those friars placing crosses in different places away from the population centers establishing their own V a Crucis.

Capilla de Cruz de la calle Cruz Verde del Realejo Bajo

The rectangular chapel is located in the Cruz Verde street from which it receives its name, it is a building executed taking advantage of old materials from the disappeared convent of Santa Lucia, the gray canter is used in its porte cl facade This part of an axis of symmetry in the semicircular arch that gives access to the chapel, on both sides on stone bases are placed two pilasters that support an elaborate triangular Fachada o frontispicio de una fábrica o de otra cosa.

Tambien se denomina Frontis al paramento verticalñ por encima de un arco

' id='41' onmousemove='mIm(event,41);' onMouseOut='oIm(41);' style='display:inline;cursor:hand;text-align:justify'>frontis preceded by a system of cornices that run through different planes, with the Fachada o frontispicio de una fábrica o de otra cosa.

Tambien se denomina Frontis al paramento verticalñ por encima de un arco

' id='41' onmousemove='mIm(event,41);' onMouseOut='oIm(41);' style='display:inline;cursor:hand;text-align:justify'>frontis topped by two pairs of cups at the ends and a green cross in the central vertex. Inside it houses the altar of the cross, and the Holy Madero.

Capilla de Cruz de la calle Cruz Verde del Realejo Bajo


Low Realejo AREA

ADDRESS C / Cruz Verde, 51


X 344512.91

And 3140815.79

BIC , Category of Historic Set, Decree 220/2005. BOC N 243 (12/14/2005).

Illustrious City Hall of the Villa de Los Realejos, Inventory of Real Estate of the Villa de Los Realejos. Tenerife Island, Hon. Town Hall of the Villa de Los Realejos, 2012.

Los Realejos Town Hall: 'Los Realejos, a historical synthesis'. Los Realejos, 1995.

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