Villa de Los Realejos
- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. Arquitectura Doméstica Rural -

It is located a short distance from the town center of Tigaiga, in an abrupt area that descends towards the road, where the royal roads begin. It is a characteristic building linked to the agricultural production system, dealing with a housing of mediators. Next to the main building there are some annexed modules such as pens, a dovecote, warehouses, etc. The main facade opens to the interior of the farm and to a small patio through which the house communicates with the access road. The nineteenth century is dated for its construction systems, materials and morphology a.

Camino Nuevo, 54

The rectangular-plan building made of stone and mud walls, with interlocking stones of greater size or in the corners, has a succession of three main spaces: an open courtyard for access to the different rooms of the property, a covered living space where daily life develops and some attached modules. The assembly is completely closed to the outside, with a single access opening through a door. The roof that is installed is four-water on a pair and row structure.

Camino Nuevo, 54


AREA Azadilla Baja

New Way ADDRESS , 2


X 343867.82

And 3140423.72

Los Realejos PGO , Protection Logo, Los Realejos, 2013.- In initial approval phase.

Illustrious City Hall of the Villa de Los Realejos, u201 Inventory of Real Estate of the Villa de Los Realejos. Tenerife Island ' , Hon. Town Hall of the Villa de Los Realejos, 2012.

OA3 Architecture Office Tres SLP, 'PGO Los Realejos ' , Protection Logo, Los Realejos, 2013. - Approval -

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