Villa de Los Realejos
- Bienes Muebles. Escultura -

One of the main promoters of the music band of La Cruz Santa was maestro Jos Mesa Cabrera, for this reason the people's gratitude for their work through this sculpture. Jos Mesa Cabrera was born on March 31, 1930 in the neighborhood of the Holy Cross, beginning his first studies of solfeo by the hand of the priest priest of the Holy Cross, Mr. José Gonzalo Gonz Lez. Only thirteen years old he travels to Madrid on behalf of the Canary Islands, and that is when he was selected to be part of the main trombone of all the national musicians attending the event. In 1945, the master-composer Don Domingo Delgado Gonz lez (Domingo Febles) along with Mr. Jes s Padr n Cejas, decided to claim Mesa Cabrera as second bombardino for the Municipal Band of the Villa de La Orotava. Since then numerous events begin to occur that allow the progressive establishment of Jos Mesa Cabrera in La Orotava. He was director of the Holy Cross Choir in the Holy Cross. As colof na throughout his musical career, Jos Mesa Cabrera has the support of residents of his hometown of La Cruz Santa, to re-found the extinct band of the forties, so on November 10, 1987 he founded the 'Agrupaci n Musical Cruz Santa '. In it he works as a director, leaving behind a school of young musicians who nowadays integrate this band, through the foundation of their own musical academy. On March 8, 1995, and after an irreversible illness, this great and popular musician who dedicated so ...

Busto José Mesa Cabrera. “Don Pepe”

Sculpture made in bronze on a stone base.

Busto José Mesa Cabrera. “Don Pepe”


Low Realejo AREA

ADDRESS Calle Real de la Cruz Santa


X 346535.43

And 3140061.88

Illustrious City Hall of the Villa de Los Realejos, Inventory of Real Estate of the Villa de Los Realejos. Tenerife Island , Hon. Town Hall of the Villa de Los Realejos, 2012.

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