Villa de Arafo
- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. Arquitectura Doméstica Urbana -

Located on Valent n Fari a Fari a street, this building is built, which was probably built in the 19th century, presenting sloping roofs of curved tiled roof.

Calle Valentín Fariña Fariña nº 11

Corner house, one height, with rectangular floor plan. In the set they have subsequently added new buildings that have filled the site.
The construction is done using a masonry to heat, collected with lime mortar.
The main facade is rectangular, with three openings, with two doors and a window. Maintains symmetry of the facade although it does not with respect to the height, since the window is at a higher level than the doors.
The carpenters are simple, with the doors made with wooden boards and the window is double glazed, glazed.
The front is topped with a parapet that hides a sloping roof with two curved tile waters.

Calle Valentín Fariña Fariña nº 11


AREA Historic Center

ADDRESS Valent n Fari Street to Fari an 11 (former Teobaldo Power Street)


X 360,647.02

And 3,135,686.72

Calle Valentín Fariña Fariña nº 11

VV AA: Heritage of the historic center of the town of Arafo , Final Master's Project in the rehabilitation of built heritage, CICOP, 2004.

Fari a Pestano, F : The History of Arafo , City Hall of Arafo. 2004

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