Nestled in the area of the Plaza de San Juan Degollado, the historic center of the municipality due to the eruption of the Arenas volcano. Due to its constructive characteristics, we can indicate that it was built at the end of the 19th century, being able to observe in its facade the changes of grade that the area has undergone over time. The ownership of this house is attributed to D. Rafael P rez Mesa, linked as a sochantre to the parish of San Juan Degollado de Arafo, who directed the voices of the parish choirs in the early twentieth century, also linked to the Nivaria band , that sun to accompany the choir. Currently this property has another owner. |
Arafo MUNICIPALITY AREA Historic Center DIRECI N Calle Reverendo P rroco D. Vicente Jorge Dorta, 13 (San Juan Degollado Street, 13) UTM COORDINATES X 360,984.64 And 3,135,670.32 |
-Fari to Pestano, F .: The History of Arafo , City Hall of Arafo. 2004 -VVAA: Heritage of the historic center of the town of Arafo, Final Master's Project in the rehabilitation of built heritage , CICOP, 2004. -Excmo. Arafo City Hall. ' Arafo Gu a Turica ' . Illustrious City of Arafo March 2001 -Excmo. Arafo City Hall. -The Octavio Rodr guez Delgado Blog. u201 History and characters of the South of Tenerife ' . |
Valoración | 5 |
Comentario | Ruego la corrección de la errata habida en cuanto a la relación de don Rafel Pérez Mesa, mi abuelo paterno y propietario de esta casa, con la parroquia de San Juan Degollado de Arafo. Su vinculación con la misma fue como sochantre. Víctor Manuel Pérez |
Autor | Anónimo |