Villa de Arafo
- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. Arquitectura Doméstica Urbana -

Building located in the surroundings of the current square of San Juan Degollado, whose initial settlement is historically due to the displacement of the population of Arafo after the eruption in 1705 of the Arenas volcano to this area, grouping in this environment current buildings of greater civil size of the municipality.

It was built, probably at the end of the 19th century, with transformations throughout its history, which give it its personal imprint.

Calle Músicos de Arafo, nº3

Small square plan or to which blocks have been annexed in the back of the house in the inner courtyard.

The Fachada o frontispicio de una fábrica o de otra cosa.

Tambien se denomina Frontis al paramento verticalñ por encima de un arco

' id='41' onmousemove='mIm(event,41);' onMouseOut='oIm(41);' style='display:inline;cursor:hand;text-align:justify'>frontis is formed by two floors with two perfectly symbolic openings covered by a three-water roof made with Arabic tile.

The carpenter has been replaced although it can give us an idea of what was previously.

Calle Músicos de Arafo, nº3


AREA Historic Center

ADDRESS Calle M sicos de Arafo, n 3


X 360,973.90

And 3,135,629.91

-Fari to Pestano, F .: The History of Arafo, City Hall of Arafo. 2004

-VVAA: Heritage of the historic center of the town of Arafo, Final Master's Project in the rehabilitation of built heritage , CICOP, 2004.

-Excmo. Arafo City Hall. u201 Guide to Tourism ' . Illustrious City of Arafo March 2001

-Excmo. Arafo City Hall.

-The Octavio Rodr guez Delgado Blog. ' History and characters of the South of Tenerife ' .

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