- Arquitectura Religiosa. Conventos -

We have left the church of the Franciscan convent of Teguise, a temple that was dedicated to Our Lady of Miraflores. The institution was founded by Gonzalo Argote de Molina, wanting to carry out a testamentary cla of 1534 of Sancho de Herrera, Se or de Lanzarote. Sancho's will was to build a convent in Famara, a place that was sparsely inhabited in the 16th century, a coastal point and, therefore, dangerous, due to the state of defenselessness in the face of the many fireworks that came to the island from the North. Africa, mainly.

In 1588 Gonzalo Argote ordered the construction of the religious complex, thus making it the first convent established on the island of Lanzarote and passing his church, acting as a parish priest to be a military objective and the last of multiple looting and fires.

GUIDE OF THE VILLA DETEGUISE. Historical Heritage Service of the Cabildo de Lanzarote. 2003

Address: A. Sebastian n Hern ndez Gutierrez y Mar to Antonia Perera Betancort

Drafting: Francisca Mar to Perera Betancort, Guacimara Batista Rivero, Mar to Antonia Perera Betancort and A.Sebasti n Hern ndez Guti rrez.

Photograph: Jos Farray, V deo Humer, Photographic Fund of the Historical Archive of Teguise and Historical Heritage Service of the Cabildo de Lanzarote.

Convento de San Francisco

The sacral set was composed of two bodies. The church and the monacal dependencies. So on the left of the enclosure was the conventual area where the friars reside. Space that after the confiscation of the first half of the nineteenth century passed into private hands, leaving some remnants of the primitive cloister.

Currently its remains, the church, together with the former Dominican convent church, retain the most important set of mud roofs in Lanzarote. The place has now been converted into the Museum of Sacred Art, retaining important original elements such as the baroque altarpieces dedicated to Our Lady of Miraflores, San Antonio de Padua and Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, the latter one of the three of canter to which they are conserved in Lanzarote. The museum offers an important sample of the historical and artistic heritage representative of the Modern Age of Lanzarote.

The main façade composed of a large door in the central position and upper area, intended for skylight. Door with bishop of canter and, on this, a spiral on each side and a niche in the center. The arch of the door is half a point.

In the smaller nave the same composition is repeated, with the same semicircular arch but without bishop, with upper window. The doors are made of frames and double sheets.

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