- Arquitectura Doméstica. La Casa Urbana -

This house was acquired by the priest Domingo Hern ndez Romero from Antonio D az Rocha in 1903. It offers a neoclassical frontispiece, with distinctive classicist tastes imported as we can see on the cover that exhibits a semicircular and triangular front in the windows with jambs from canter a. It has a plant with flat roofs. It conserves an orchard in its back delimited with a beveled end wall.

Casa Parroquial

GUIDE OF THE VILLA DETEGUISE. Historical Heritage Service of the Cabildo de Lanzarote. 2003

Address: A. Sebastian n Hern ndez Gutierrez y Mar to Antonia Perera Betancort

Drafting: Francisca Mar to Perera Betancort, Guacimara Batista Rivero, Mar to Antonia Perera Betancort and A.Sebasti n Hern ndez Guti rrez.

Photograph: Jos Farray, V deo Humer, Photographic Fund of the Historical Archive of Teguise and Historical Heritage Service of the Cabildo de Lanzarote.

Casa Parroquial

It is a house of traditional noble style, medium or medium size, with patio and orchard after the street of Santo Domingo, inside it is necessary to highlight the neoclassical decorations in wood.

Casa Parroquial
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