- Arquitectura Doméstica. La Casa Urbana -

Built in 1929 by Luis Ram rez Gonz lez on an old house from the 18th century. The reason for its reconstruction was centered on the idea of assigning it as a museum under the name of Marqu s de Herrera y Rojas. For this purpose, the tea door and the canter cover are moved from the true palace of the Marquis to be placed on the main facade of this property. As a witness to the operation, the inscriptions 'AH ' and 'MS ' (Agust n Herrera, Marqu s), transferred by D.Luis Ram rez and incorporated into the Palace-Museum can be seen in the canteen applied to the frontispiece. .

Casa Museo Marqués de Herrera

GUIDE OF THE VILLA DETEGUISE. Historical Heritage Service of the Cabildo de Lanzarote. 2003

Address: A. Sebastian n Hern ndez Gutierrez y Mar to Antonia Perera Betancort

Drafting: Francisca Mar to Perera Betancort, Guacimara Batista Rivero, Mar to Antonia Perera Betancort and A.Sebasti n Hern ndez Guti rrez.

Photograph: Jos Farray, V deo Humer, Photographic Fund of the Historical Archive of Teguise and Historical Heritage Service of the Cabildo de Lanzarote.

Casa Museo Marqués de Herrera

The property has two floors and brick walls where the upper one has a gallery that overlooks the covered central courtyard. Teguise City Council completed its unique architectural structure in 1988. The shield was made by Pancho Laso.

It has a quartered tea door under the lowered arch of the canter and three wooden windows with quarters on the upper floor.

The ceilings are made of tiled roof and the roof with four waters in one of the bodies and flat in the rest. It has a top of the tile eave with tuff reinforcement in the corners.

After his donation to the town hall of Lanzarote, it was abandoned for a period of 30 years, until the City Council of Teguise restored it in 1988, rescuing its initial structure and completing its internal construction.

Casa Museo Marqués de Herrera
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