- Arquitectura Doméstica. La Casa Urbana -

It is an 18th-century building, intended for bourgeois residence, with a facade of Le Ny Castillo street, in front of the Cilla de Titzmo and Primicias, in the center of the Villa de Teguise.

This house was already built in the 18th century. It is currently the headquarters of the Teguise Socio-Cultural Center, so the building received severe intervention in order to adapt it to the new social use.

Casa Jiménez

GUIDE OF THE VILLA DETEGUISE. Historical Heritage Service of the Cabildo de Lanzarote. 2003

Address: A. Sebastian n Hern ndez Gutierrez y Mar to Antonia Perera Betancort

Drafting: Francisca Mar to Perera Betancort, Guacimara Batista Rivero, Mar to Antonia Perera Betancort and A.Sebasti n Hern ndez Guti rrez.

Photograph: Jos Farray, V deo Humer, Photographic Fund of the Historical Archive of Teguise and Historical Heritage Service of the Cabildo de Lanzarote.

Casa Jiménez

Two-storey house, with patio, winery and stables for animals. The City Council of Teguise rehabilitated the front rooms, raising two floors with a lounge in each one of them, and retrofitting the wine press as a meeting room and bar.

The walls are made of pebbled stone. Equipped with five large windows on its main facade (three on the top floor and two on the ground floor), it also has a wrought iron balcony, unique in the architectural heritage of Teguise.

Flat roof, layered walls, auction cornice on each floor, corner stones and jamb at the main door.

Casa Jiménez
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