- Arquitectura Doméstica. La Casa Popular -

GUIDE OF THE VILLA DETEGUISE. Historical Heritage Service of the Cabildo de Lanzarote. 2003

Address: A. Sebastian n Hern ndez Gutierrez y Mar to Antonia Perera Betancort

Drafting: Francisca Mar to Perera Betancort, Guacimara Batista Rivero, Mar to Antonia Perera Betancort and A.Sebasti n Hern ndez Guti rrez.

Photograph: Jos Farray, V deo Humer, Photographic Fund of the Historical Archive of Teguise and Historical Heritage Service of the Cabildo de Lanzarote.

Casa Cuartel

Large single-story house, although on its left side it has three rooms on top.

It has an inner courtyard with walls and an exterior facade with a door, two windows and a unique style balcony in Teguise.

The roofs are sloped with two- and four-water tiles, covering mud jar roofs, and the stone walls are whitewashed and painted.

Casa Cuartel
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