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Santa Cruz de Tenerife
- Patrimonio Maritimo. General -

With the name 'orre llo ' the vapors and motorboats that since the end of the 19th century covered the inter-island thymus transport lines between the Canary Islands, transporting passage, cargo and correspondence were popularly known. The history of the postal vapors in the Canary Islands begins in 1888 after the awarding of these lines through a public auction to the Canarian Inter-Island Steam Company, a newly constituted shipping company and subsidiary of the English password Elder Dempster & Co. That same The first steamboats were incorporated into the inter-island services, baptized with the names of 'Viera and Clavijo ', 'Le ny Castillo ' and 'P rez Gald s ', to which others such as Admiral D az ', 'Mogador ', 'ongo ', etc., which covered the Canarian routes until the beginning of 1.912.

Once the temporary subsidy clauses to inter-island maritime services have been completed, in 1911 the regular lines are again called up for auction through a much more ambitious specifications, which requires the incorporation of six vessels - the three of greater size should exceed 1,000 tons of gross registration, to which three others of smaller size were added -, being again awarded to the Canarian Inter-Island Postal Steam Company, based in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, which immediately puts the stands of the shipyards of Middlesbrough the keels of those who were later popularly known throughout their long marine life as 'los runs the black '.

Throughout 1,912 they reach ...

Correillo La Palma


ESLORA 67.10 m. Sleeve 9.05 m. CALADO 3.70 m

Mixed cargo and passage steam, with an open coat cover and riveted steel hull, with straight bow and round stern. Powered by a four-bladed shaft coupled to a tail shaft driven by a triple-expansion machine driven by the power generated by the consumption of carbon in two boilers, it developed an average speed of 11 knots. In 1951, after major works of care and transformation, begin to burn heavy fuel until its withdrawal from service in 1976. Originally built with an open navigational bridge, it was closed and provided with those mandatory navigation equipment that were completing the existing ones: tim n, tel maneuver graph, machine tel, government comp, radar, sonar u2026

The passage is officially distributed in three Classes, which occupied spaces enabled in different decks with finishes and facilities in accordance with category a. Thus, the First Class (enabled for a total of 43 passengers according to the reform of the 50s) occupied the main deck and had spacious cabins and access to a luxurious lounge furnished and clad in wood and English-style velvet , while the Second Class (42 passengers) was located on the mezzanine deck, with double cabins or coupuples equipped with a toilet in one of the last reforms. The space destined for Third Class (38) is available at the mezzanine of the winery n 3, aft, and had very small spaces, cabin ...

Correillo La Palma

The restoration and rehabilitation project under conditions of navigation of the Corre Llo La Palma has its origins in the Commission created in 1996 within the Canarian Association of Merchant Marine Captains to save the ship from scrapping.

The responsibility for this initiative was assumed by the Association for Restoration and Conservation of Corre la La Palma, created for this purpose in December 1997 and which today has about a thousand associates. This promotes and implements the project, establishing its objectives and priority action lines and carrying out decisive work to guarantee its viability and the involvement of the Canarian society in the recovery of this emblematic vessel. From the heart of this Association and as a result of the experience acquired and the technical complexity that the initiative already has, the Corre Llo Canaria Canarian Foundation arises in September 2003, which is constituted in order to have an adequate means for the direction of the execution of the Restoration Project, the collection and management of the necessary funds and the future use of the ship itself. In addition to members of the Association, the Foundation has several Island Councils represented in its Board of Trustees, and exercises this responsibility by virtue of the cessation of the corresponding rights by the Cabildo de Tenerife, owner of the ship. It is registered with the number 193 in the registry of Canary Foundations.

Correillo La Palma

- Morales Chac n, JP: He runs llo 'La Palma ' in his centenary 1912-2012. TBN, n 6. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2010. P gs. 6-25.

- VV.AA .: He runs La Palma in pictures. Peri dicos de Tenerife, SLU / Burgado Editorial and Ediciones Corre llo La Palma. Sta. Cruz de Tenerife, 2005.

- www.correillolapalma.com

Editorial and research team: Architecture Unit of the CICOP Foundation.
Miguel ngel Fern ndez Matr n.
Jos Luis D will read Mart nez.
Armiche lvarez P rez.
Sendy Hern ndez lvarez.

Photograph: Jos M. Bossini Ruiz.

Correillo La Palma
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Excelente referencia del patrimonio industrial de Canarias que necesita la colaboración institucional de las administraciones canarias.



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