Santa Cruz de Tenerife
- Espacios Urbanos. General -

The Historic Ensemble El Toscal is a residential urban complex northwest of the city of Santa Cruz, within the so-called Barrio de El Toscal. This protected area since 2007 is delimited by San Miguel streets, Paseo Pintor Teodoro R os, El Saludo street, La Rosa street, San Antonio street, San Antonio street, San Francisco Javier street, San Vicente Ferrer street and Santiago street .

In its origins, El Toscal, or Los Toscales or Las Toscas, constitutes an extensive area of orchards, cement and buckets that cover the west and north of the primitive hull. Concerning history and reviewing old cartography, the plan of 1771 made by Jose Ru z, a military engineer, it can be seen that the space that comprises the neighborhood of El Toscal is completely empty, only being found in some small as constructions, roads, ravines and orchards that delineate it. In the words of the architect Federico Garc a Barba u2018 A kind of suburb with lots of orchards crossed by ravines that divide it from North to South u2019.

At the end of the 18th century it was already established as one of the city's peripheral neighborhoods, gaining great importance at the stage of urban expansion and port development of the late 19th and early 20th centuries where the appearance of urban entrepreneurship static (Building Societies) in the 1860-80 years, collaborating with the second major expansion of the city.

Barrio de El Toscal

From the cartographic point of view, the Toscal presents a completely irregular layout, interweaving the streets that make up the buildings with the roads that connect them, whether they are rolling or small pedestrian alleyways. Perhaps it is due to its intricate orography to initial (with the ravine of the Guaite or San Francisco, the bco. Of San Antonio) or simply for a municipal neglect. This irregularity contrasts with the urban layout of nearby neighborhoods such as the Barrio de los Hoteles-Pino de Oro for example, and highlights the humble nature of its origins. The only defining axis is found in the Calle de la Rosa or San Francisco Street, both parallel to the Marina, previously natural border with the sea, which define in a longitudinal way its extension to the Almeyda barracks and also connecting this space with the southern zone towards Valent n Sanz street and the Serrador Bridge.

Within the historical complex, the typical building typology is the terraced house, that is, single-storey houses, with very simple structural schemes and repetitive facades in their shape and distribution: two windows and a door, an example that we can find in Santiago street and in its major a car cter ecl ctico. We also find a unique and differentiating element with the different neighborhoods of the capital, which is the construction of the so-called citadels (examples in the Passages of Pisaca, 1 and 2 of Ravina): sets of popular living spaces (collective housing) of no more than 20 m2, where they live together ...

Barrio de El Toscal

MUNICIPALITY Santa Cruz de Tenerife

AREA Centro-Ifara District

ADDRESS N El Toscal Neighborhood

Barrio de El Toscal

Declaration: DECREE 2/2007, of January 16.

Category a: Hist rico set.

PGOU Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Protection catalog

The scope, which is extended with respect to the perimeter of the Historic Complex of Toscal, is developed by a Special Comprehensive Plan (PEI), in preparation that includes a Protection Catalog. This catalog includes the elements cataloged by the PEI. The homogenous environmental characteristics that generate the continuity of one- and two-storey ecological houses, pedestrian passages and street ladders should be maintained. Any new intervention must respond morphologically to the protected area.

Barrio de El Toscal

- General Plan of Management of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Vol. 3 Volume 3.2.1-3

- GARC A, C. (1998) u2018 Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Stories and prayers of the ancient city u2019. Ed. Canarian Popular Culture Center, La Laguna.

- CIORANESCU, A. (1979). u2018History of Santa Cruz de Tenerife u2019, vol. III-IV (1803-1977). Ed. CE Savings Banks, Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

- GONZ LEZ CH VEZ, CM (2007) u2018Dise or the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife in the contemporary stage u2019. Ed. Publications Service of the University of La Laguna, San Crist bal de La Laguna, pp. 127-130.

Editorial and research team: Architecture Unit of the CICOP Foundation.
Miguel ngel Fern ndez Matr n.
Jos Luis D will read Mart nez.
Armiche lvarez P rez.
Sendy Hern ndez lvarez.

Photograph: Jos M. Bossini Ruiz.

Barrio de El Toscal
Descripción Documento Descargar Documento
BOC-2007-020-008 El Toscal

Barrio de El Toscal Ciudadela Pasaje Santiago, 93 - Cat:S.XX y Posterior