Santa Cruz de Tenerife
- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. S.XX y Posterior -

This large building located at the beginning of the Camino del Hierro, next to the Canarian Brewery Company, is a rectangular construction was built in the early eighties of the nineteenth century. It was the headquarters of the offices of the company Litograf a Romero.

The building reflects the classic postmodern style of the late nineteenth century, with a very conceptual trend of spaces and shapes.

Shortly after its expansion, the lithographic factory was transferred to the G mar industrial estate, and the construction will become the headquarters of the Technological Institute of the Canary Islands (ITC).

Antigua Litografía Romero (ITC)

The construction is developed in a quadrangular form, in which a rectangular nave is subsequently added towards its back.

The main facade is presented in three bodies, where the central part moves forward in space with the main door that is accessed by means of a small staircase with pilasters on the sides and a cornice with moldings.

In the upper part of this central body, there is a semicircular window. The lateral bodies have four openings arranged two by two on both floors.

Antigua Litografía Romero (ITC)

MUNICIPALITY Santa Cruz de Tenerife

ZONE District Ofra-Costa Sur

ADDRESS N Sixto Machado Square, 3

Antigua Litografía Romero (ITC)

Degree of protection: Partial.

PGO Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Antigua Litografía Romero (ITC)

- General Plan of Management of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Vol. 3 Volume 3.2.1-3, file n. 732

Editorial and research team: Architecture Unit of the CICOP Foundation.
Miguel ngel Fern ndez Matr n.
Jos Luis D will read Mart nez.
Armiche lvarez P rez.
Sendy Hern ndez lvarez.

Photograph: Jos M. Bossini Ruiz

Antigua Litografía Romero (ITC)
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