San Cristobal de La Laguna
- Bienes Muebles. Decoración, Mobiliario y Enseres -

The last cross, number 15, refers to the resurrection of Christ. This cross was on the cobbled road that leads to the hermitage of San L zaro.On the day of the Cross is prayed to Mar a del Carmen Mascare or contributed to the ornament of it.

The Calvary of San L zaro, which houses two crosses, one on each side of the central body, completes the route making the last station.

There are no precise data on when the Via Crucis of the Camino de San L zaro was installed, but it is assumed that with the arrival of the Capuchin friars to Aguere they were placed at the end of the 17th and early 18th centuries. Another shuffling hypothesis is that they were placed in the middle of the 19th century when the work of Calvary was completed.

A15.- Cruz Viacrucis (Decimo Quinta Estación)
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