San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Bienes Muebles. Escultura -

It is a monumental sculpture dedicated to the Jesuit evangelizer of Brazil, José de Anchieta. The monument was promoted by a Pro-Monument Commission appointed for this purpose by the City Council of San Cristóbal de La Laguna and carried out by the artist Bruno Giordi, and financed by the Brazilian people and government.

It was the Brazilian philologist Celso Ferreira da Cunha who had the idea of promoting in his country at the end of 1950 the realization of a symbolic sculpture of the Canarian missionary, to donate it as a testimony of gratitude from Brazil to La Laguna, the city where Anchieta was born in 1534. .

It was inaugurated on November 27, 1960 in the Glorieta de Brasil, which after its remodeling, once again housed this monument, being moved in 2021 to its current location on the Central Campus of the University of La Laguna in the vicinity of La Cruz de Piedra. .

Monumento a José de Anchieta

ESCULT RICO HERITAGE of the Historic Complex of San Crist Bal de La Laguna. World Heritage. HE City Council of San Crist bal de La Laguna. 2005

DIARIO LA OPINI N. Biographical data of San Jos de Anchieta. A or XIV, No. 5273 of April 4, 2014.

DAILY THE DAY. Memory of Doctor Celso Ferreira Da Cunha by Eliseo Izquierdo. Thursday, December 11, 2014.

Monumento a José de Anchieta

Jos de Anchieta and Llarena (1534-1597).

Natural Jesuit priest of La Laguna. He joined the Company of Jesus in 1551 and moved to Brazil in 1553 where he was provincial of his Order. It has been called Apostol of Brazil . Founder of Sao Paulo, his virtues were declared heroic by Clement XII on August 10, 1736.

Or genes

Of Basque ancestors (Juan de Anchieta), related to San Ignacio de Loyola, Jos de Anchieta was born on March 19, 1534 in San Crist bal de La Laguna. After his initial training in the Canary Islands, his family sent him to the University of Coimbra (Portugal) run by the Jesuits. After entering the Company of Jesus, encouraged by the letters of St. Francis Xavier, he asks to be sent to the missions.

Family home

Next to the Plaza del Adelantado, the house where I was born and where he spent his first years is still preserved. He was the son of Juan de Anchieta Calayaran and Menc a D az de Clavijo, a descendant of the Canarian nobility.

Arrival to Brazil

Since 1553, when he arrived in Brazil, accompanied by his friend and provincial Manuel de N Brega, he began his mission to serve the indigenous peoples, learning their language and adopting many of their customs. He launched a mission in Piratininga, present-day Sao Paulo, in order to offer training to the Indians.

Tup memory

His first work as a catechist in Brazil was aimed at the tribe of Indians ...

Monumento a José de Anchieta

The sculpture of José de Anchieta, the work of the Brazilian sculptor Bruno Giorgi, is made of bronze with an approximate height of 5 m, resting on a concrete pedestal of approximately 1m. He looks back as if he wanted to pick up the claw of the people of his land , preserving the memories and experiences of his people, and walks forward with haste and impatience, wanting to discover the world that awaits him. He is shown standing on one foot while the other is ready to move forward.

His big feet reveal his nature as a pilgrim, explorer and evangelizing walk to fulfill that divine mission that marked a turning point in his life. he is barefoot, poor, only his agile and large hands that he used to grab the plow, heal wounds and write verses like the famous poem to the virgin, printed in the sand of a beach on the Brazilian coast.

In addition, other authors point out that those large hands represent his desire to give all that generosity and charity that he had in his spirit and that he had not had the opportunity to offer to his brothers on the other side of the sea, even blessing with them.

The sculpture is made of bronze about five meters high, on a pedestal of granite and concrete stonework that rises one meter from the ground.

Monumento a José de Anchieta
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